A dramatic video has emerged that captures the moment a metal manufacturing plant in Bedford, Ohio, is rocked by a massive explosion that killed one and severely injured at least 13 others. Ambulances were seen on the scene of 1 Schumann & Co, which manufactures brass and bronze alloys.
It is not yet known what caused the explosion, which occurred on Monday at around 2.15 pm. Authorities have launched an investigation into the explosion. Initially, one person was reported in critical condition, but just after 8.30 p.m., the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner's Office announced that one individual had passed away as a result of their wounds.
Fire and Smoke
According to a Facebook post from the plant, the man has since been identified as Steve Mullins, 46, who spent more than 25 years working for 1 Schumann & Co. The explosion occurred around 70 miles northwest of East Palestine, where a hazardous train derailed on February 3. It is just south of Cleveland.
The blast sent smoke billowing into the sky that could be seen for miles around it. Emergency services have also requested the development of several medical helicopters.

An ariel video shows vehicles moving on a quiet Monday afternoon when suddenly a huge explosion is seen in the background sending debris in the air. Soon smoke starts billowing into the sky.
According to Oakwood Fire Department Captain Brian DiRocco, all those injured were present, as the flying debris spared no one at neighboring businesses.
"The people were mostly walking wounded. They were coming up to us," DiRocco said. "I'm sure there's a lot of people that work here that were in shock."

According to local News 5, two explosions were reported by witnesses--a smaller explosion followed by a larger one at around 2.30 p.m.
Panic and Chaos
The building's brick exterior was entirely blown away from the impact of the explosion, with bricks falling on surrounding businesses and vehicles. Moreover, debris was blown across the street.
"I'm finishing my porkchop from Tasty Take-Outs, like I usually do ... finished my porkchop ... next thing you know—BOOM.
"I looked over and it was just ... boom. Ridiculous, I don't know how nothing hit me," a witness told News 5.
Although the cause of the explosion is still being looked into, Oakwood Fire Department officials described the facility as a "relatively safe plant."
"It's a foundry, so you're dealing with molten hot metal, so there's always an inherent danger," a spokesman said.
Matthew Wiggins, owner of the nearby company Rose Colored Gaming, told WOIO that he heard a loud explosion was heard "within a second or two, it sounded like large amounts of debris were hitting the roof."
"Things were falling off the walls, falling off shelves. We went out front and there was like smoldering rocks and molten metal in the yard. Tons and tons of smoke. Fire billowing out of the building across the street," Wiggins said.