Dr Li-Meng Yan, the top Chinese virologist who had earlier accused China of covering up the coronavirus outbreak, has said that the virus is man-made. Li added that she has scientific evidence to prove that COVID-19 was manufactured in the Chinese lab.
In July, Li, who is currently hiding at an undisclosed location in the United States, had accused China of not only lying about the coronavirus outbreak but also trying to cover up the human to human transmission of the virus following the outbreak of the pandemic in December, last year. Li had said that Beijing tried to silence her and cover up her work.

Wet Market in Wuhan was a 'Smoke Screen'
The virologist who worked at the Hong Kong School of Public Health, a reference laboratory of World health Organization, had fled the country in April, four months after she raised an alarm about the human-to-human transmission of the virus.
Appearing on an interview on British talk show 'Loose Women,' from an undisclosed location, Li said that the reports related to the fatal virus originating from a wet market in Wuhan was a smokescreen. "The first thing is the meat market in Wuhan is a smoke screen and this virus is not from nature," Li said adding she got the information from the CDC in China, and the local doctors.
On being asked where the virus came from, Li said: "It comes from the lab — the lab in Wuhan and the lab is controlled by China's government. The genome sequence is like a human finger print. And based on this you can identify these things. I will [use this] evidence to tell people why this has come from the lab in China, why they are the ones who made it. Anyone, even if you have no biology knowledge, will be able to read it, and check and identify and verify it yourself," she went on to add.
Coronavirus Will Be Life-Threatening For Everyone
Li, who specializes in virology and immunology, said that Chinese government had wiped off all her information from government data bases and instructed her peers not to spread rumors about her.
"This is some common sense for Chinese people', she said. 'We know under Chinese government [they are at risk]. They deleted all my information and also they told people to spread rumours about me, that I'm a liar, I don't know anything, I just killed a hamster in the lab. They will try to control my family and friends and then suddenly I don't exist," she told the outlet.
Claiming that the virus will be life-threatening for everyone, the Chinese virologist said that it was critical to understand it. "This is the critical thing for us to know the origin of the virus- If not we cannot overcome it- it will be life-threatening for everyone," Li said, adding that if she doesn't tell the truth to the world, she will be regretful.