Benadryl Challenge, the latest internet dare that went viral on TikTok in 2020, is said to be one of the most dangerous challenges that targets teenagers on social media. The so-called Benadryl Challenge dared social media users, generally teenagers, to overdose on the common allergy medication to achieve a hallucinatory effect, record and share a video of the user's reaction to the medication on the video-sharing application TikTok. Now, medical experts have issued warnings over the potential risk of death due to overdose.
According to reports on a website, a spokesperson from TikTok has confirmed that the video-sharing platform first learned about the challenge in May this year after which the moderators immediately removed the "little" amount of content available at the time. Teenagers across the United States continued to participate in the dangerous online dare in the following months leading to the death of at least one teen and three others being rushed to hospitals for treatment. Reportedly, a 15-year-old girl suffered a fatal overdose after participating in the challenge last month.
Soon afterwards health experts warned about the potential risks of death due to overdose of the allergy medication. Moreover, this is not the only online challenge that has been listed in some of the most dangerous online dares. Earlier, the "Tide Pod Challenge" (biting into Tide brand laundry pods) or "Momo Challenge", which convinced children to disappear for 72 hours had left the whole world in shock.

Another online dare, the "Blue Whale" or "Blue Whale Challenge" dared people to finally commit suicide over a 50-day period of going through different tasks, with elements of self-harm.

The Blue Whale Suicide Game is linked with more than 130 teen deaths across Russia. While some had well-intended reasons behind the challenge, like for fundraising and charity, others are a masquerade of cyberbullying.
Meanwhile, parents have been warned against the alarming trend on TikTok. It is advisable to call 911 immediately if anyone is suffering from an overdose.