A Chinese virologist turned whistleblower, Yan Li-Meng, recently claimed that she and her team in Hong Kong have produced a scientific report that showed the origin of the novel Coronavirus caused disease, COVID-19 is the "PLA-owned Zhoushan bat coronavirus."
The virologist, who was employed as researcher at the University of Hong Kong's School of Public Health when the pandemic began, earlier said in a different interview that the virus came from a People's Liberation Army (PLA) lab. Recently, in another interview, she was asked about the World Health Organization's investigation into the COVID-19 origin.
In response, Li-Meng said the Geneva-based organization and Beijing first considered a backdoor discussion on the "benefits" for the WHO and the Chinese government. After the "benefits" are agreed upon, the WHO and Xi Jinping's government apparently decided "what to tell people," alleged the virologist. She also claimed that the two parties also discussed whether to reveal in public and even the 'one belt one road' countries that "this is really from some bats, or some poor animals they suddenly caught in Wuhan."

The Coronavirus Origin
Li-Meng, who had been a post-doctoral fellow and former staff member of the University of Hong Kong, before quitting the position in April 2020, said the entire cover-up happened in February when WHO sent experts, including Canadian physicist Bruce Aylward, who published a report praising the Chinese government's efforts to handle the outbreak.
The virologist said China's own "bat woman," Shi Zhengli—a scientist at the controversial Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)—deliberately posed for a paper on February 3 to gain attention to a Coronavirus strain identified as RaTG13. Shi and her team of researchers found this strain in bats in Yunnan in 2013 and noticed that this is 96 percent identical to the SARS-CoV-2. While talking about Shi's finding, Li-Meng claimed that the world health body "dared not admit Shi Zhengli's RaTG13 virus."
Zhoushan Strain
Based on an early Wuhan investigation, WHO published some details where they said COVID-19 origin is "actually closest to the Zhoushan bat virus." she reminded. Even an examination of the genome sequences released by the Chinese government in January showed that Zhoushan ZC45 and ZXC21, are the closest to the novel Coronavirus. It also showed that they are the "backbone" upon which COVID-19 was constructed.
During the recent interview, in response to a query whether the Zhoushan strain is in the PLA's catalog of viruses, Li-Meng said the virus could have come from any PLA lab, either in Shanghai, Hong Kong, or Harbin.

When she was asked about gain-of-function, she said the U.S. health care expert and current White House health advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci knows "more than me" about how they did approve those GoF research findings to fund Chinese labs "under the CCP's control," possibly in reference to a report alleging that National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the organization led by Dr Fauci, funded gain-of-function research on bat Coronavirus at the WIV.
When the interviewer asked Li-Meng whether the Western scientists prefer to engage in more aggressive research in China due to obscure safety standards in China, she gave an example of Dr. He Jiankui—the well-known expert who performed gene editing on human embryos to create immunity against HIV virus— who had once said that such experiments will never be allowed in the Western countries.
A report by STAT indicates that government funding may have been used to conduct this experiment. She also told about some reports which showed the links between several American scientists and Dr. Jiankui's experiment. As per Li-Meng this has explained how dangerous and ethically questionable experiments can take place in China.
She said the idea of making a profit without bothering about the ethical standards and fear about public health has allowed to conduct GoF experiments on Coronavirus strains.
CCP Should be Held Accountable?
When asked whether CCP should be accountable or not, Li-Meng replied, "When I was in the virus lab we tried to do, no matter what vaccines or virus function testing, virus replication or something else, we never made just one type of virus, we made a lot of virus strains and stock them." Later, they would test their functions, test their characteristics, and "keep something we thought maybe not that useful, not optimal at this moment, for their later use."
So just imagine, this virus has not come from nature, this is a lab modified virus, whether they would make only one specific virus strain as you know, use common sense, I am sure people will understand it. So, if you let it go, later even HCQ and vaccines would not work.