A woman who claimed herself to be the queen of a witches coven might be put on death row after she was found guilty of murder and dismemberment of a woman she met on the dating platform Tinder. Bailey Boswell and her 54-year-old boyfriend Aubrey Trail killed Sydney Loofe and chopped her into 14 pieces in November 2017.
The prosecutors stayed that Boswell lured Loofe to the flat she was sharing with her boyfriend with the help of Tinder. The couple then scattered the remains of the woman in bin bags on the side of a rural road in Nebraska, US. The 'witch' was found guilty of first-degree murder and improper disposal after less than four hours of deliberation. The woman's trial heard the couple told other dates that they controlled a coven of witches, with the queen Boswell.
Couple Murdered Loofe

The couple mentioned that they gained supernatural powers after killing people and had made clips of murder and torture. It is thought that Loofe got killed quickly as her phone was turned off 24 minutes after she arrived in the flat.
Her body was cut into 14 pieces using a hacksaw and tin snips, which were bought from a Home Depot shop just hours before. The trial in July 2019 heard from Ashley Hills, who knew the couple told the court that the man claimed he was a vampire with 12 witches.
The jurors were told Boswell would contact young women on social media and both used to pick out the victim. Trail allegedly choked and also whipped Hills while telling her she could also become a witch if she kills someone. "To get your power, you would have to breathe in someone's last breath," Hills said as reported by Daily Star.
She mentioned that the man asked her to call him 'daddy' and gave her an allowance of $200 a week stating that she liked the idea of being taken care of. Trail admitted killing Loofe in 2018 and said that Boswell had no part in the killing.