TORONTO, Ontario, January 26, 2021 -- When surveying the landscape of Canadian digital entrepreneurs who've built their own businesses, Josh Pocock holds a prominent place among young tycoons. Josh started his business, Executive Stride, in 2018 when he was just 20, and already he's reaping the amazing rewards that accompany a successful business. On the surface, it may appear that Josh is just very 'lucky' to have achieved his success at such a young age and in such a relatively short period of time, but it's worthwhile to take a deeper dive and examine what factors Josh believes have most positively impacted his ability to achieve. Also, a more complete understanding of Josh's journey, may prove to be the perfect inspiration for any person keen to start their own business and take it to great heights.
Josh Pocock was born in Toronto, Canada, to a single mother. From childhood, Josh had an incredible drive; he excelled playing hockey, which his mom worked hard to finance, because she wanted him to learn the rewards and inevitable progress that come through making a serious commitment. But watching his mom and others work long hours in jobs they didn't really like, all while being at the mercy of their employers, convinced Josh that he needed to create a path of his own. So, while most of his high school buddies were still playing video games, Josh embarked on his own path of self-education - he became a voracious studier of topics of his choosing, devouring everything he could find on entrepreneurship, success, and maintaining a positive mindset.
Josh always remembers knowing that he wanted to be an entrepreneur and start his own business. But he also knew that he needed to acquire knowledge.
"When I was in high school I started reading a bunch of books - I read anything I could get my hands on about the psychology of success. I got into Tony Robbins for a while, but I studied literally everything, from Andrew Carnegie to Sam Walton."
Josh also began enrolling in multiple online courses to gather knowledge and wisdom from some of the best digital marketing experts in the world.
"It just made sense that I should learn from the very best experts in the field - people who'd already built successful companies and count point out some of the hazards in advance."
Josh's first foray into the world of business was as a commission-only door-to-door sales representative. He was a hard worker, pounding the pavement 10 hours a day - but for his entire first month, he never made a sale. Fortunately, Josh had studied enough to know that he had to manage his own thinking.
"I just kept moving forward each day - and when I finally made my first sale, it was like a dam had been released and the sales kept coming."
Within a year, Josh was able to create a team of ace sales agents, and by 18, he'd become the top sales manager in the company. And all the while, Josh continued to study and learn.
When Josh launched his own business in 2018, Executive Stride was a full-service digital marketing agency; things were tough in the beginning, and like any business, Josh needed to find a way to attract a steady stream of qualified leads. Eventually, he developed an in-house automated lead generation tool which completely transformed his business, keeping his calendar fully booked with sales calls. The system worked so well Josh began offering it as a service to clients and today, Executive Stride's automated Stride Lead Generation tool has become the company's primary offering.
Josh believes that his personal commitment to continuous learning has made him more able to capitalize on market opportunities and pivot his business as needed.
"Continuous learning is so important because we're living in the information age and everything is changing so quickly. What works today may not work tomorrow, so you always have to be sharpening your sword, changing, and adapting. You must be learning from the best to become the best in every area of your life."
Josh was able to grow his company fast and once he'd established a proven system for building profitable online businesses, he wanted to help other people - the Executive Stride Training programs are designed for people passionate about entrepreneurship and looking to build a sustainable income from the comfort of their laptop. These programs include step-by-step guidelines with everything you need to know about setting up a fully automated client lead generation system that works 24/7/365.
Executive Stride is currently offering its Lead Generation and Stride Training services to businesses in North America, Australia, and the UK.