A knifeman stabbed a priest and a nun at a church in France's Nice on Sunday. The attacker, 31, was shouting 'we have to kill Macron' as he stabbed the priest 20 times with a 7cm knife.
The incident took place on Sunday as France began voting in the presidential run-off election.

"An attack took place this morning in a church in Nice. The priest is injured. No vital prognosis is involved. Solidarity with the parishioners and thanks to the police who quickly arrested the author. The Prefect is there," tweeted Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin on Sunday.
Church Attacker is a French Man
The French man was arrested from Fréjus, southeastern France by the officials. The incident happed at 10 am in the Saint Pierre d'Arène church, Nice.
Father Krzysztof Rudzinski, 59, received more than three dozen cuts, and Sister Marie-Claude, 72, had a cut on her hand. It was revealed that the Sister had bravely snatched the 7cm knife from the attacker to save herself and Father.
The priest is in the emergency care unit and doctors are monitoring his health closely.

The mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi maintained that the knifeman was disturbed and prepared for the attack for days, according to the mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi.
Stabbing Not Related To Terror Activity
"The individual was not on file and unknown to the police services but he was the subject of psychiatric monitoring with several stays at the Sainte-Marie," revealed Estrosi, according to Daily Mail.
Estrosi also informed that local officials and national police were quick in responding to the violent incident and neutralized the disturbance at the scene together. Officials have confirmed that the case is not related to terror activities.
The attacker has no prior conviction and bought the 7cm long knife a few days back.
The attack came as incumbent Emmanuel Macron is facing a tough election battle from far-right politician Marine Le Pen.