Tory MP James Wallis has come out as a transgender and has narrated a horrific ordeal claiming to have been raped and blackmailed by someone in the past. Wallis, 37 and the 2019-intake backbencher said expressed that he had never lived his truth. "I have never lived my truth and I'm not sure how. Perhaps it starts with telling everyone," the Tory MP said and thanked fellow conservatives for supporting them at a dinner organised by Boris Johnson at a luxury London hotel on March 29, 2022.
"I'm trans. Or to be more accurate, I want to be. I've been diagnosed with gender dysphoria and I've felt this way since I was a very young child," Wallis wrote on social media disclosing his years of secret. "I had no intention of ever sharing this with you. I always imagined I would leave politics well before I ever said this out loud," the British MP added.
Moreover, Wallis has spoken out about his gender identity weeks after crashing into a lamppost, and cutting a village around two miles from his home off the internet, before 'running away'. No other vehicles were involved and no-one was injured in the collision.

Speaking of the blackmailer, Wallis said that the person demanded over $55,000 to keep quiet. However, Wallis revealed that once police got involved, the perpetrator was jailed for two years and nine months.
"For a while it seemed as though I would be able to get on with things and move on," Wallis wrote on his social media handle. "Being an MP and hiding something like this was always going to be tough, but I arrogantly assumed I was up for it. Well, I'm not," the trans MP added.
Britain's PM Hails Tory MP For Coming Out As Trans
"Sharing this very intimate story would have taken an immense amount of courage. Thank you @JamieWallisMP for your bravery, which will undoubtedly support others. The Conservative Party I lead will always give you and everyone else, the love support you need to be yourself," UK PM Boris Johnson hailed the Tory MP in his latest tweet.

Who is Jamie Wallis?
Jamie Wallis is Britain's first trans MP to come out in public. He is a Chemistry graduate from at Christ Church, Oxford in 2006. Wallis, who is also known as Jamie Hamilton Wallis was born on June 2, 1984. He became a Member of Parliament (MP) for Bridgend in Wales after winning the 2019 general election representing the British Conservative Party.