There's no denying the rapidly expanding influence AI has in the modern world. It's becoming a prominent force in the world of art, schooling, music, and most prominently, writing. The explosion in popularity of ChatGPT was one of the first markers of AI's modern power. AI powered writing services allow people to enter prompts and get entire bodies of text on a subject.
Drafts are Good, Being Finished is Better
The utility of this is obvious, people are using it to draft outlines, write papers, or generate ideas for formatting. It's a tool which can have a lot of positive uses, but which also concerns a lot of people today. Already services like ChatGPT have seen unregulated use within school and workplace settings. If someone is doing cumbersome work, there's a decent chance they'll have AI write it for them.
In practice this leads to a collection of writing which replaced human thought. Is this what AI is destined to do? Is it ultimately going to stifle human creativity and replace a lot of the unique work that's seen today? It's possible, but beyond services like ChatGPT are AI-powered services which are less overpowering. The basic thought behind these is what if AI expanded on human thought, instead of replacing it.
Developing a service which does this is harder than developing a service which does all the work itself. It needs to account for what a human is saying, what a human is inputting, while still adding onto it. It's possible even with ChatGPT to directly ask the service to take a body of text and add on. However this ultimately isn't what the service is made for.
AI Content Creator Tools to the Rescue
This runs in direct contrast to newer programs like Vnote, a solution of popular content creator tools. Vnote and similar services will take free-form verbal descriptions and turn it into text. On the surface, this seems to encroach on human thought just as much as typical AI text services. However there are a few key features which differentiate and start to give power back to the user.
First and foremost, AI programs like Vnote ask questions. The user will start by describing something they want turned into text, and the AI will start to write. Yet the process is more interactive than this simple input and output. The AI, as the user speaks, will ask questions to clarify what the user meant. These questions keep the proper tone and meaning of the user intact. Then the AI will ask general conversation questions to expand on the thought and make sure it's properly fleshed out.
AI That Interviews You
These are questions which only serve to gain more information from the user. Even in the cases where the AI doesn't maintain the tone or meaning the user intended, this is easily remedied. AI services like Vnote can rewrite certain sections, translate the text, or make other practical edits. These sorts of changes are expected from text-based AI today, as even text translation is becoming more robust over time. The difference comes in the way these resources are used, and this depends on the program they're used within.
Finally, it's worth pointing out the importance of an AI which emphasizes verbal transcription. While other programs like ChatGPT are moving to have greater accessibility through verbal features, few were built upon this premise. The benefits of verbal transcription are obvious. When compared to other options like typing or even paper-pencil transcription, verbal is the fastest.
Verbal transcription is also one of the most free-form of these options, on par with the freedom of paper-pencil. A big disadvantage of simply typing out one's thoughts in a document is the limited creativity of these documents. A big advantage of verbal transcription is it can use multiple document types. The user can ask for specific formatting or the AI itself can suggest what is most appropriate.
If you're able to voice your thoughts to your phone, it's time to release your ideas to the world. If you want to create an email, the AI can do that. If the user wants to create a social media post even, the AI can do that. This is the power of AI which takes thoughts and expands upon them. Most humans are spending upwards of 11 hours a week on manually composing their thoughts. What AI is doing today is trying to reduce this time. If the thought is already formed, and the formatting is a time-sink, have AI do the tedious part for you.