A recent opinion poll has shown that the support for Meghan Markle's putative bid for the US presidency has increased substantially. The Democracy Institute's survey also shows that a whopping 63 percent of Americans believe that President Joe Biden will lose if he runs for the White House in 2024.
The poll suggested that respondents place Markle second in their list of favorites for the presidency, after Michelle Obama. She is ahead of Hillary Clinton and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Will Markle Run For US Presidency?
There have been reports that Markle is interested in running for the White House in the next few years.
The poll has suggested a setback for Democrats in the midterms as Republicans are ahead by 50 percent to the Democrats' 42 percent. It has also shown a clear path to the White House for ex-president Donald Trump.

Biden's Ratings Are Falling Down
The polls suggested that the Republicans could have 262 seats in the House of Representatives to 173 Democrats while in the Senate it is projected to be 54 to 46 in favour of the Republicans. This will open up the prospect of the Republicans pushing ahead with attempts to impeach President Biden over alleged corruption involving his son Hunter and historic deals in Ukraine, according to Express.
Biden's ratings are falling worse than Russian President Vladimir Putin as 53 percent of Americans believe that he should be out of the White House while only 44 percent of people think that Putin should be disposed of Kremlin.

Also, 63 percent of people have conveyed that if Biden contests the next presidential election, he will definitely lose.
Despite Biden's ratings going down, the president is still the best Democrat against Trump but still losing by 47 percent to 43 percent.
Markle is the third-best performer against Trump with 39 percent while Hillary Clinton's rating is 41 percent ratings.
The Democracy Institute has also revealed that initially people in the US, supported Biden's sanctions against Russia but later they realised that these actions created challenges for the US domestic market as rising inflation, supply chain disruptions and others. And started considering that Biden wouldn't be suitable for next term.