"Success is possible", says Tera Carissa Hodges, the brain behind "Success Bullying"

Tera Carissa Hodges

To set a firm foot into one's chosen industry and to keep moving on that path to success is something not all have been able to do in their careers and lives. However, some have still done that, and amazingly it is the success of women that has stunned more people worldwide. It is often noticed that when men achieve greater feats in their chosen industries, they get highly celebrated and honoured, whereas when a woman achieves the same and most often more than them, why is it that people "are taken by surprise"? Why do some people still today think there is a long way to go for women to achieve what they desire? These are a few questions that may surround our minds. However, instead of only complaining about the status of women in the world of business or other professional or artistic fields, a certain woman, professional herself, took on the lead to change the scenario for the better; she is Tera Carissa Hodges.

When Tera says "Success is Possible", she means it. She wants people to understand that success can come to anyone and everyone at any stage in life as it is a concept that goes beyond any gender, age, background, culture, etc. Today, she thrives as a faith-based empowerment coach and entrepreneur who has been committedly empowering women through her endeavours, which includes "Success Bullying", a unique accountability practice and a platform (https://www.successbullying.us/), helping women fight the slander and bullying in their lives and move ahead confidently with their heads held high.

Tera Carissa Hodges saw how women always became subjects to this slander and hence was motivated to create a platform like Success Bullying to empower them and make them realize their worth. The platform helps talented women professionals be comfortable with the success they continuously achieve and help them overcome the false accusations they face in life from others.

Tera says that discrediting a success achieved by women was a huge issue that needed to be addressed. Hence, Success Bullying was initiated to help women feel proud of themselves. The platform is dedicated to normalizing seeing women as successful and empowering them in ways more than one.

Tera Carissa Hodges is a leading name in the world of entrepreneurship, who works as a Founder and Lead Project Manager of an international media group, LR, which stands for life, labels, and lifestyle brands redefined. Her company works with different personalities and brands for reinventing, introducing and reintroducing them into mediums specific to their genre.

As faith-based empowerment and life coach, author and speaker, she has transformed the lives of over 10K women from across 25 countries. Today, with a 7-figure coaching business, she feels passionate about helping people achieve their personal and career goals with faith-based strategies.

Do follow her on Instagram @teracarissahodges to know more.