Right-wing commentator Steven Crowder has been hospitalized since early July and has been sharing selfies from the hospital bed talking about his condition.
Crowder took to Twitter saying he could ''physically feel death'' but has thankfully recovered from his condition but would take a long time to fully recover and get back to normal.

In a selfie from the hospital bed, a bearded Steven said: ''Last night took a turn for the worse. Ever actually get so close that you can physically feel death? He's a d*ck. The good news is, it's fixable and these things happen. I'll be back before you know it. Thanks for the support.''
The picture shows Steven receiving support from tubes which is usually drips. Not much has been revealed about his illness but a previous tweet states that he's suffering from a lung collapse.
''Mild lung collapse. Sounds worse than it is, and I'll get the function back, but recovery is going to take longer than I was aiming for. Apologies. Updates soon,'' he tweeted a few days ago.
Several people on Twitter have been pouring their 'get well soon' wishes praying for his speedy recovery but majority of the comments seem to be taking a hit at Steven for simply being right-wing commentator and a Trump supporter.
A user lashed out at the liberal social media mob wishing bad on Steven's post and said: ''The people wishing for Crowder's death in these comments are the same people who claim to be a part of the 'compassionate' and 'loving' political party. No such political party exists. Politics itself is nothing but a means of separation and conflict.''
Another user said he's curious to know what exactly happened with Steven and by going with his previous tweets, it looks like he's got a pectus surgery.
A pectus surgery is usually done to correct the shape of the sternum/breast bone as the sternum bone is squeezing both lungs and the heart, which leads to pain, shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing normally.
''This picture was taken within 48 hours of my pectus surgery,'' he tweeted on July 11. In another tweet he said: ''For the first time in my adult life, I weighed 250lbs. You can see that some flesh has been moved around, and it's all just unsightly. Why am I posting this? Because as of right now, there is no 'after picture'. It doesn't exist.''