Being a celebrity is definitely not an easy task. Every famous personality goes through immense pressure and it does take a toll on an individual's mental health. There have been many instances when eminent personalities have opened up about their struggles related to mental health. Having to deal with these problems while the world is watching them, would be far more difficult. Personalities like Justine Bieber, Demi Lovato and Jim Carrey are among those people who have openly admitted and have spoken about their past struggles without being ashamed.
Jim Carrey

This renowned actor has admitted to having been in depression for a long time. He used to take Prozac to cope with depression.
Sophie Turner

In March 2019, in an interview with Rolling Stone, the Game of Thrones actress openly spoke about her mental health issues. She said, "Depression for sure, anxiety, all of those things, I still experience it, but I had therapy, I'm on medication, and I feel so much better. The fact that I spoke to someone changed my life."
Justine Bieber

The singing sensation opened up about his issues and told that he was very depressed while on a tour in 2017. An insider told Us Weekly that Beiber sees a therapist but he does not want to depend fully on medicines. "He struggles with ups and downs, anxiety, depression and uncertainty about the future," he added.
Kanye West

Kanye West who shares four children with reality star Kim Kardashian spoke about his bipolar disorder in his song "Ye". On June 2018 he told Big Boy Tv, "I think everybody got something. But like I said on the album, it's not a disability. It's a superpower."
Demi Lovato

The singer and Disney Star was suffering from cutting, bulimia and bipolar disorder. She confessed to having felt depressed in spite of doing well in life.
Emma Thompson

This Oscar-winning actress has admitted having suffered from clinical depression at various intervals throughout her life. She said, "I suffer from occasional mild depression, which I think is a very common thing."