Salim Elhila Suggests Three Tricks to Make Your Online Training Business Successful

Salim Elhila

Salim Elhila is an online trainer and an e-commerce specialist. He knows the best of both worlds and often implements his e-commerce tactics into his training programs to help freelancers and entrepreneurs pick up valuable lessons that they can use for their training agencies. Salim is the co-founder of Learning Master, a tutorial program for online training enthusiasts. He believes that guiding students can shape their future in this industry. They can become better coaches later and avoid various roadblocks to success.

Most consultants, coaches, and trainers try to grab the attention of their target audiences by providing various offers, such as money-back guarantee, free live sessions for a week, or unbelievable early-bird discounts. According to Salim, "You should focus more on your delivery, content, and student interaction. Offers will come and go, but what remains in the memory of your students is how you teach them. I was new to online training when I had first started. I focused on three things: student feedback, student satisfaction, and understanding students' passion."

1. Asking students to provide feedback

Salim believes that social media is one of the best ways to promote your online training institute. It gives you a platform to showcase why your training methods are different from others. "When I started my community on Facebook and YouTube, I asked my followers to rate my coaching skills. I requested them to provide feedback regarding their experiences about the sessions. I teach the same thing to students who want to become online trainers or who already have an online consulting business. If you don't give the opportunity to your students to point out your mistakes, you will keep making the mistakes in every session. I think feedback from my students gave me the confidence to start a Learning Master and turn it into a successful platform to teach those who want to become trainers in the future."

2. Achieving student satisfaction

Why do your students love a few teachers in school and hate the rest? It's because they are friendly, interactive, and easy to approach. They have the ability to quickly figure out how to handle a student. Salim emulates the same thing in his Learning Master sessions. "I try to figure out the tempo of a batch. And I ask my students to follow the same tactic when they teach a group of students. It's how quickly you achieve student satisfaction that determines your success in the online coaching industry. Remember, you are connecting with your students virtually. You have to deal with poor internet connection, home distractions, and tons of other conditions. And yet everyone expects you to deliver a fantastic session. Therefore, your job gets that much harder. I think student interaction in most ways overcomes these drawbacks and makes you a successful online coach."

3. Understanding students' passion

Salim always focuses on figuring out a student's passion first. It doesn't matter to him whether you are an entrepreneur or a freelancer who wants to become a trainer. Why do you want to become a coach? That's more important for him. And he believes that every trainer, coach, or consultant should have this answer about their students before starting a new session.

It's not every day that you come across a trainer who reveals the secret to become