Ronn Torossian on the Best Content Types for B2B Brands

Ronn Torossian

Ronn Torossian, a leading public relations executive believes that a good content strategy includes building a diverse collection of digital content and sharing it across multiple channels. Different types of channels provide something for every type of buyer, whether they prefer reading white papers, scanning online posts, viewing a tutorial, or watching short videos. Some content types work better than others, and in order to build brand awareness, B2B digital marketers should find out which types work. Given below are different types of content which work best for gaining traffic.

Emails - Email may not seem to be exciting in terms of creative potential, but the platform is what you make of it. Email is now being used in increasingly sophisticated ways that are anything but boring. Customers now expect visually appealing, targeted, and personalized emails that feed them information and build relationships. Welcome emails have an average open rate of 82%, giving a business the perfect chance to make a stellar first impression. For instance, Asana encourages people to get control of their to-do lists by inviting their clients to start a new task on their project management platform.

Webinars - Webinars can give wide exposure to new B2B products and services. Successfully marketing to another company often means establishing brand recognition and credibility within certain job functions and throughout multiple departments. B2B webinars are easy and affordable to produce. Hosts only need webinar software and a few other items to go live any time and from any place. B2B webinars also eliminate restrictions on how many people can be reached at once. Webinars can be used beyond the sales pitch. Many business owners use webinars as a powerful resource to train customers on how to use products, or even how to troubleshoot solutions with clients.

Research reports - According to Torossian, research reports are a content type that drives leads. High quality research reports not only grab the attention of buyers but also establish a brand as an authority figure in its industry. The more informative a piece of content is, the higher are the chances of getting quality leads from it.

Video - Video content is becoming increasingly popular with B2B buyers because it's an easily accessible format that audiences can access on their mobile devices. Thus, video content can reach buyers either on the job site or at home. Videos allow businesses to deliver a message that can be easier for buyers to absorb. Short-format videos that demonstrate product applications, share product reviews, or provide tutorials can be very effective. Infusing humor into the videos can also show that a business has a human side. For instance, Shopify has a massive following on YouTube and has been successful with its video marketing strategy. Shopify produces highly viewed How to videos and tutorials for aspiring entrepreneurs and owners of digital businesses.

Blog posts - Blog posts can be a real traffic driver. Nowadays, search engines seek out quality content that relates to a person's search, is reader-friendly, includes the right amount of keywords, and contains pertinent links and images. How to's, listicles, infographics, and advice from experts are the most popular types of blog posts.