Even as North Korea continues to maintain that the country has had no Coronavirus (COVID 19) cases but reports have now emerged that officials working for Kim Jong Un through multiple sources have requested for more test kits besides safety gears.
The officials from the hermit country have continuously been reaching out to other countries for help. According to a report published in The Financial Times, North Korean officials in secret asked for help from several countries for aid to combat the coronavirus threat.

"The government has testing kits for COVID-19 and they know how to use them, but [the number of kits are] not sufficient, hence, [officials are] requesting all organizations ... to support them in this regard," a source told the Times.
Kim Jong Un and his official machinery have maintained that the country has zero cases of COVID 19. However, there have been numerous reports of coronavirus fatalities that included North Korean soldiers.
The North Korean dictator in the last couple of months has taken a slew of measures to control the spread of the deadly coronavirus. There have been reports that Kim Jong Un ordered for the execution of the first coronavirus case in North Korea. Similarly, Kim Jong Un also has passed an order to execute health officials in the country, if coronavirus spreads inside the hermit kingdom.
There has been concern over the healthcare system in North Korea as it lacks adequate resources making it vulnerable to a coronavirus outbreak.
According to Reuters, the United Nations has raised sanctions on North Korea for six-months, thereby allowing the World Health Organization, Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the International Federation of Red Cross and Doctors without Borders to send thermometers, portable ventilators, resuscitators, gloves, face shields, surgical masks, gowns, and goggles.
"North Koreans need assistance and have asked for it, but things are now on hold," one source from a humanitarian group told Reuters.
Coronavirus inside North Korea
Inside North Korea, Kim Jong Un regime has enforced strict quarantine measures. Recently pictures had emerged of North Korean workers in protective suits disinfecting public places.
A set of pictures taken secretly inside North Korea published by a South Korean news source, revealed that the Pyongyang officials have put up posters outside homes of local residents with slogans calling on everyone to defeat coronavirus.
Measures also have been put in place to restrict the movement of the homeless and vagrants in North Korea, Daily NK reported.