No Need of Cosmetic Surgery, California Dermatologist Is Offering New Techniques to Fix All Issues

Macias Dermatology is one of the few places in California that offers two machines, Morpheus 8 and Evoke, to improve the body features.

As many people are now avoiding close contacts, virtual meetings, zoom calls and FaceTime have increased since the Coronavirus pandemic hit the world. While people are communicating virtually, dermatologists have come across many people who want to look perfect. So, a California clinic now has very unique techniques to fulfill all the requirements without conducting cosmetic surgery.

Artificial ways to improve body features are always risky and there are possibilities of failure or more damage. There are several cases where people left with scars or damaged tissues after they went under the knife. But a Fresno dermatologist now has the latest techniques to boost the body's own skin-renewal process without surgery or downtime.

Plastic Surgery
Cosmetic Surgery injection Reuters

Less- Invasive Procedures

Macias Dermatology is one of the few places in California that offers two machines—Morpheus 8 and Evoke—which stimulate collagen and tighten the skin. On its Instagram page, there are many images of their clients, showing off results from Morpheus 8.

The technology, which has received clearance from the FDA, combines micro-needling along with radiofrequency heat to remodel the tissues and reduce fat from particular areas and activates the body's function to make collagen to "heal" those areas- renewing tissue.

According to Aesthetic Registered Nurse Erin Freitas: "There's no way without having a doctor that you can go as deep as Morpheus 8. So M8 I would say is sub-surgical, the results, so it's not surgical but it's right before. That's how great the results are with M8."

The procedure may cause some discomfort and redness but people can enjoy a normal lifestyle quite soon.

However, in terms of another technique, Evoke, this process requires no needles, but some interesting headgears. Physician Assistant, Jessi Ohanesian said that the results from this machine are quite impressive.

Within 25 minutes, Evoke can boost collagen and in 45 minutes it can zap fat and help to carve the cheek areas.

One of the clients, Deborah Monis said, "I've only had one but I already feel like it's smoother."

However, Morpheus-8 is about $1,000 per treatment, while Evoke costs about $600 per session. As reported, Morpheus-8 can be used to treat acne scars and improve pore size, as well as all over skin texture.