Mysterious towers mushroom in Cincinnati, trigger concern over 5G roll-out


A mysterious cylinder-type tower that looks nothing like usual cell towers have become a cause of concern for Cincinnati residents, which they believe will soon be sending out 5G signals, reports have said.

The residents believe the strangest looking tower is a part of the nationwide rollout of faster 5G cell service that may have an impact on public health.

5G wireless service, which has become the hottest controversy in many communities across the world, is being opposed by many cities of the US.

Verizon Wireless last year said it would roll out its new 5G Ultra Wideband network into more than 30 cities, including Cincinnati, Atlanta, Boston, Charlotte, San Diego, and Washington, in the US.

5g tower
Representational image of a 5G tower Business Wire

Dean Beckett, who owns Ann's Tavern nearby a US 50 (River Road) tower, said his customers had been asking about it.

"We don't know who put it up, if it is running 4G right now, and if it will run 5G soon," Michelle Krinsky, a nurse who lives nearby, said.

She has joined a local protest as the residents do not know enough of its health effects, which may include a variety of health problems, according to various studies.

A Verizon corporate spokesman, David Weissmann, confirmed to WCPO the company was installing 5G towers in the Cincinnati area, but claimed the strange Cleves tower was "not Verizon equipment".

Currently, only three devices on Verizon -- Moto Z3, Moto 5G mod, and Samsung Galaxy S10 5G -- are capable of using 5G networks.