Monica Lewinsky's latest documentary where she chronicles her time working in the White House in the first part of "The Clinton Affair", a two-hour episode, revealed a lot of never-before-seen or heard details of the sordid affair that rocked the Bill Clinton administration at the time.
Part one of the documentary was focused entirely on Bill Clinton's political rise to the highest office, as well as the early days of Lewinsky's working at the White House as an intern. TooFab reports that the programme ended with Lewinsky speaking of how she first came to contact with Linda Tripp—one of the main players in the nationwide drama that unfolded and the person who recorded Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, leaking it to the public and kick-starting the media circus that followed.
The first episode aired on November 18 (Sunday) and the next two episodes are scheduled to go out on Monday and Tuesday. In these episodes, the docu-series promises to delve deeper into Lewinsky and Tripp's relationship and their eventual fallout. The first episode, was all about the origin of the secret affair, how it started, and how it bloomed.

Lewinsky reportedly received the White House internship right after finishing college in Portland, through a friend of her family. "It was this overwhelming experience, tinged with a lot of positivity at that point," she said.
"I was young, I was starry-eyed, there's something in the air there. The smell of eucalyptus, it's weighted with history and the sense of power ... I loved working at the White House."
She went on to explain that at first she was not smitten with the new President—Bill Clinton—who had just taken power at the time. She even spoke of how the other female interns were "gushing" over Clinton and often discussed how "handsome" he was.
"I remember thinking to myself, 'Ew, this is an old guy with wiry grey hair, how could she find him attractive?'" she explained. "I didn't get it until the first time I was really in his presence."
She spoke of how "struck" she was by the way he held the attention of any room. "I kind of have to laugh at my younger self, but that was when my crush started," Lewinsky added.
Lewinsky did not fully recall their first meeting, going so far as to call it forgettable. However, he reportedly "paid a lot of attention" to her, the second time they met. She went so far as to wear the same clothes two days in a row to keep Clinton's attention, "and notice me, he did," she said.
"We had a number of this flirtatious encounters, there was really no sense for me of anything beyond I have this crush and this person I have a crush on is actually paying attention to me," she said. Bill Clinton allegedly became more, "flirtatious" as the familiarity between them grew, "it was escalating."
One instance that Lewinsky recalled was when there was a government shutdown in 1995 and the general atmosphere in the White House was a lot more casual. It was then that she spoke of how she decided to flash Clinton her thong at a birthday party, saying she wanted to, "up the game", notes the report.
"I knew he was walking out of the room and instead of pulling my trousers up, I didn't," she explained. "It was unnoticeable to everybody else in the room, but he noticed."
Clinton's interest in Lewinsky seemingly started to grow after that incident, she said. He went so far as to invite her into communications director George Stephanopoulos' office to speak with her. "I don't think at that point in my life my heart had ever beat as fast," she said. "I blurted out, 'You know I have a crush on you.' He laughed, smiled and asked me if I wanted to go into the back office and I did."
"It was dark and he eventually asked me if he could kiss me and I said yes," she continued.
"After a little time, I went back to my desk and at some point later in the evening, I was the only person in the office and he came back in and he said if you want to meet me in the back study in 10 minutes, you can. And I did. It became more intimate from there."
Lewinsky went on to speak of how after all these years, she is still not comfortable discussing the details of what happened during her time in the White House.
"It's not as if it didn't register with me that he was the president, obviously it did," she added, "I think in one way, the moment we were actually in the back office for the first time, the truth is, I think it meant more for me that someone who other people desired me."
Lewinsky reports TooFab, said that "every" secret meeting with Bill Clinton at the White House was "sexual", but also went on to clarify that "no sexual activity happened in the Oval Office." All of the "monkey business," she said, went down in the nearby rooms.