A 9-year-old girl was photographed minutes before the deadly quad-state Tornado ripped her home, killing her. Annistyn Rackley, while hiding with her two sisters in the windowless bathroom of their southeast Missouri home was photographed right before the tornado tore their home. A deadly quad-state tornado storm hit America on Friday, December 10, night causing major loss of properties and mass casualties.
The tornado storm swept the area where the Rackley family lived killing 9-year-old Annistyn, while her two sisters and their parents sustained severe injuries. "They were sucked up into the tornado," Annistyn's great-aunt said. She further noted that the Rackleys' house is splintered with debris strewn out in the field.
The Rackley family's home is situated in the Bootheel region of the state. According to the New York Post, the family, that was hiding out from the storm, was sucked out of the house when the tornado hit and was dumped in a nearby field. They were later found by first responders in serious condition. Over 90 deaths across multiple states have been reported so far due to the tornado, with the youngest victim being two-month-old Oaklynn Koon in Kentucky.

Who was Annistyn Rackley?
Annistyn Rackley suffered from a liver condition that required frequent visits to the hospital, her great aunt informed. Despite her condition, she always shined with her 'exuberant, energetic personality.' Annistyn was into cheer competitions and loved dressing up and doing makeup. She also loved showing off her cartwheels and splits. Annistyn's great-aunt further noted that the Rackley family had just moved from Caruthersville on December 4 and hadn't even finished unpacking when the tornado hit.

'A broken vertebrae, multiple fractures, brain injury'
According to the New York Post, Annistyn's 7-year-old sister, Avalinn suffered a broken vertebra in her back and was scheduled to undergo surgery Wednesday, December 15. Their mother, Meghan Rackley, 32, sustained multiple fractures, a brain injury, and a large cut. Their father, Trey Rackley, 37, and her youngest sister, Alanna, 3, suffered minor injuries including bruises and cuts, and have since been released from the hospital.
"I was flying around in the tornado and I prayed to Jesus to take care of me, and he spit me out, and the tornado spit me out into the mud," Avalinn told doctors in a hospital in Memphis.
The rescue workers found Annistyn's doll that she was pictured clutching right before the storm, in the field near the Rackley family's home.