Mindsets and Millions: How Gary Trades Became an Under-30 Multimillionaire With Day Trading

Gary Trades

The high risks involved in day trading make it one of the most intimidating strategies for beginner traders. However, the same dangers also lend it lucrative gains for the talented few who can ride the waves of volatility to find financial success.

In spite of the risks, the potential for quick profits and recent innovations that make entry easier have made day trading irresistible for young traders. Adding to this, market activity has also risen to an all-time high as people are faced with more free time working from home in a post-COVID-19 world.

Amidst such developments, 27-year-old multimillionaire Gary Trades was able to rise to the top and make it big with day trading. Early in his career, Gary distinguished himself through an ability to find consistent gains in a turbulent market. His strategies have allowed him to grow to become one of the top volume-based day traders on Twitter one who has helped thousands of others reach the next level.

Gary stresses that mindset is first and foremost for day traders.

"Mindset is 99% of the equation. If you know in your mind that you are a winner who will do whatever it takes to get to where you want, then you've won game one. Everything else will work out from there." For his part, the abject poverty he experienced for much of his life gave him the never-say-die attitude he needed to succeed.

"Since I've had little to lose for most of my life, I have found that it helps to never have a Plan B. When you give your mind a Plan B, you are telling yourself you are not confident in your Plan A. And if that is the case, then you're done."

In spite of his massive financial success, money remains simply a means to an end for Gary Trades. Instead of further growing his wealth, Gary admits that he only hopes to become financially free for life and leave a legacy of helping others. "Life is about experiences and happiness. Right now, I'm building my wealth to leave a legacy and make all I'll ever need to enjoy the rest of my life."

Following this philosophy, Gary Trades ensures that he has the time outside of day trading to leave a mark where it matters. Among such endeavors, he has recently sponsored a nonprofit for women and children as well as raised almost $50,000 for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.

Gary's main vocation, however, is to help traders of all levels get to the next level to become consistently profitable and financially free. To this end, Gary continues to give free advice and market tips through his Twitter and Instagram. Gary also frequently hosts live giveaways and even chances for personalized, one-on-one coaching calls through these channels. He also hosts live trading seminars and meet-and-greets across the US through his personal trading brand, The Goblin Gang.