Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will be celebrating their first Christmas as a couple in the UK this year at Sandringham with the Queen. This is part of the Royal family's tradition, but another tradition among the Royals could have the two of them separated on the morning of Christmas day.
If former royal chef Darren McGrady is to be believed, Royal women normally stay in bed on Christmas morning and breakfast is brought to them upstairs. The men have to come down to the table and eat there.
While this might not seem like much of an issue. It is not clear why or how this tradition came to be and if this is protocol only during Christmas or even in other festivals through the year. Also what is not clear is if this is enforced stringently.
"On Christmas Day, the ladies generally opt for a light breakfast of sliced fruit, half a grapefruit, toast and coffee delivered to their rooms," McGrady said to The Daily Mail. The men in the family, on the other hand, eat a much larger "heartier" meal, he said. This could include, but is not restricted to "eggs, bacon and mushrooms, kippers, and grilled kidneys."
The question though is if Meghan Markle, who is known to break tradition, a lot, stay upstairs, or come down and join the men and partake of a full English Christmas breakfast. Considering the fact that Markle is pregnant, she might just want to have a big breakfast on Christmas day.