A 36-year-old man hailing from the Macaúbas region of Brazil got his penis and testicles chopped off for attempting to rape his own niece, according to reports.
The man allegedly got drunk before trying to rape his niece and the girl managed to fight his advances as he was in an inebriated state and fled off the scene. The man then walked to his home and went to sleep.
The girl chose not to report the incident to the police but informed her boyfriend and his cousin about the rape attempt. Enraged by the man's behavior, the two decided to take the law in to their own hands and seek revenge for his actions.

The girl's boyfriend and his cousin asked the man to join them the next morning to monitor some pigs in a nearby sugarcane field and that is when they attacked him, beat him down unconscious and removed his trousers and cut off his penis and testicles in an act of revenge. The two then fed his private parts to the pigs in the field and fled the scene.
The man, who was bleeding profusely managed to call an ambulance when he gained consciousness but was deep in pain before he was taken to the Doutor Gil Alves Municipal Hospital in Bocaiuva, where doctors managed to stop the bleeding and save his life.
The medics informed the police about the situation and a team of police officers searched for the missing organs in and around the field but could not find it. Michael Stephan da Silva, the head of the team believes the organs had indeed been eaten by the animals completely.
A team of surgeons joined to reconstruct the man's urinary tract so could relieve himself, but struggled to replace the private parts he lost as his organs were not to be found and thus cannot be rejoined through surgery. It is reported that the man is now on antibiotics and will be able to leave the hospital in less than a week.
The girl's boyfriend and his cousin have been arrested by the police and kept in custody. However, it is unclear if the man whose genitals were removed would to be charged with attempted rape.