Jordan King says his parents are the inspiration for his success as a businessman

Jordan Alexander King

In today's world, good businessmen are few and far between. Although people are quick to startup side businesses, there is a handful who can make this business into an empire. One such person who has achieved this is Jordan King. The founder of AK Enterprises, Jordan King is a multi-talented entrepreneur. He has achieved great goals in a variety of industries.

Jordan Alexander King was born and brought up in Toronto, Canada, and is of Jamaican/Grenadian heritage. Growing up Jordan King was taught to be humble and to respect his origins. As immigrants, his parents struggled in their early life. They however worked hard to give their children the best possible life full of opportunities. This is why Jordan King and his brother are connected to the heritage they came from and learned to live a life where nothing would be taken for granted. Jordan King himself began working at the early age of 12 as a paperboy for a local newspaper. Though his family didn't need the extra money, his parents wanted him to inculcate the habit of work and taking pride in his achievements from a young age.

It is thus no wonder that King claims his parents to be the main inspiration behind his growth- not only as a person but also as a businessman. They have been his constant source of support and encouragement. They have kept him motivated to reach new heights every day. Today he is an exemplary real estate developer, start-up investor, and financier. AK Enterprises started out as a dream. Today it is becoming a dream come true for several other small businesses who hope to acquire the same accomplishments that Jordan King has.

One of the biggest enterprises under AK Enterprises is TUK Capital. It is a consulting firm specializing in creative financing and turnkey development projects. The assistant company is TUK Developments Inc. This is a real estate holding company that owns an extensive portfolio of rental properties and apartment buildings. It has built an astonishing eight-figure portfolio in just under 3 years. The list goes on with Choice Renovation Canada. Choice Reno's is a construction company servicing home renovations for investors and high-end residential clients. Needless to say, King is quite a prominent figure in the real estate industry. However, do not think that this is the limit to his capabilities. Jordan King also has a growing music label which has now doubled into a promotional marketing agency.

Jordan Alexander King hopes to carry on doing the work that he enjoys. He wants to keep on putting 100% of his time and effort into whatever he does.