Johnny Moseley Brings Former Sheriff's Deputy on Board to Overhaul Training Program

Johnny Moseley

Finding suitable recruits is a growing issue for many businesses in the current climate. However, often left unaddressed is training and how companies can use it to solve long-term recruitment problems and improve the scalability of a company. Moseley Multi-Family CEO Johnny Moseley has made recent unorthodox moves to attempt to challenge that. Announced today, they include the hiring of an ex-Sheriff's Deputy to influence his company's recruitment strategy.

Moseley Multi-Family has reported a generous $10k annual per-employee training spend and has recently won a 'Best Place to Work award in the multifamily sector for 2022. Until now, what has been unknown is the collaboration the company's CEO has had with former police personnel to direct the investment.

"The only thing that stood between me and my aim of $1bn annual revenue is having trained field supervisors and labor crews", Moseley said. "So, how did we solve that problem? We hired a former Deputy Sheriff from Leon County Sheriff's Department, who has been a field training officer for the last 18 years."

The recruitment aimed to transfer the police officer training structure into Moseley Multi-Family. Notably, the renovator frequently hires people with no previous experience in the sector. Therefore, the 'police academy to serving officer' period could be mirrored and replicated in the multifamily renovations business, now the largest in the United States.

"In the police force, it's important that staff do things the right way," Moseley continued. "Whether it's an investigation into criminal activity or handling a domestic dispute, police officers are some of the most highly trained people. We brought the deputy on board to reproduce that rigid training process."

In addition to the standards Moseley Multi-Family now hopes to produce, increasing the company's scalability is a key objective of the overhaul. By recruiting untrained people, Moseley wants to develop a universal training program that creates as many field supervisors as the company requires. Theoretically, the process can be reproduced across the United States, making for a fundamental cog in the company's expansion plans.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, Moseley Multi-Family has expanded into six new states and 11 additional markets. Its focus is on growing teams in cities such as Indianapolis, IND, Jacksonville, FL, and Pittsburgh, PA, with an entry into the Ohio market on the cards for 2022. To keep up with those benchmarks, the company offers personal and professional development opportunities for recruits, provided they meet training targets. These could expand with the introduction of police personnel as strategists.