A Russian rapper who was conscripted to fight in the Ukraine war killed himself. Ivan Vitalievich Petunin took his own life when he was called up to fight in Russia's Ukraine war.
Before committing suicide he told his fans, he's not ready to kill innocent people.

Petunin's Body Found In High-Rise Building in Krasnodar
On Friday, Petunin's body was found near a high-rise building in the Russian city of Krasnodar after the musician recorded a tragic final video on his Telegram channel, according to The Sun.
Petunin Said He Can't Take Sin Of Murder On His Soul
Petunin has previously served in the Russian Army. In his last message to his fans, he said, "If you are watching this video, then I am no longer alive. I can't take the sin of murder on my soul and I don't want to. I am not ready to kill for any ideals."
" I choose to remain in history forever, as a man who did not support what was happening. I am not ready to take up arms and kill my own kind," he added.
Petunin Committed Suicide In Protest Against Putin's Mobilization Decision
Tributes are pouring in for Petunin after he died. "Everything happened unexpectedly... he will always be a bright and kind person who loves to joke," said his girlfriend.
"Rap star Ivan Vitalievich Petunin, known as Walkie in #Russia, committed suicide in protest against Russian President #Putin's mobilization decision," tweeted @newsglobaltr.
It came after Russia's strongman has also ordered partial mobilization, under which 3,00,000 fighters will be mobilized. Under the partial mobilization, Russia's reservists are being conscripted for the past two weeks.
"We are talking about partial mobilization, that is, only citizens who are currently in the reserve will be subject to conscription, and above all, those who served in the armed forces have a certain military specialty and relevant experience," said Putin two weeks ago in a live TV address.
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