When it comes to the smartphone security and authentic apps Apple or iPhone is considered a much safer system compared to Android. The App Store for iPhones, iPads and iPod touch provides millions of apps. On the other hand, Android has been facing huge criticism for offering malicious apps in the Play Store to the users.
But none of these means that any iOS app will be 100 percent secure and won't pose any threat to the user. Even though the App Store team does a good job of keeping away the shady and suspicious apps, the users should think twice before downloading random apps from the market place.
Here are some examples of apps that Apple users should think twice before downloading or avoid completely before hitting the download option due to their suspicious nature.

Antivirus Apps
First of all, if a person is using iOS or iPadOS then he or she should not think about downloading an unnecessary antivirus app, as the way the Apple systems are built it will be very difficult for a virus to pose serious threats to most parts of the system. It should be noted that when it comes to iOS many antivirus apps are disreputable or nonfunctional. Some of these apps can scam the money by using via in-app purchases or subscriptions.
Random keyboard apps
There are many keyboard apps available in the App Store which you may find very attractive but think twice before downloading them. Because as per the tech experts these third-party apps can snoop on your data pretty easily and pose serious security threats. If you download any of these apps, then try not to provide full access to them.
Apps which offer more features
Any app which promises the user to provide several features which are not available in iPhones such as, lie detector, x-ray vision or the heart health detector then avoid downloading it because anything which sounds too good to be true, most of the cases turns out as a scam. Experts said that these apps may turn into a threat to the iOS user's privacy so avoiding such apps will be the best option.
Connecting Social Media apps
It should be mentioned that some apps claim that they will help a social media user to increase the followers or provide extra features that the social media platform don't, then you should not download them. Many of these apps can invite malware attacks, steal personal data for malicious purposes or post content on a user's social media account without letting them know.
Games and entertainment apps
Most of the games in the App Store are free but there are some malicious apps which may trick people to buy "lives" or "tokens" at every opportunity. On the same time games can gain data about the user and resell them to a third party if the user grants its access to the contacts, gallery, location etc. Some entertainment apps can try to get users to buy in-app purchases without their knowledge.
Maintenance and utility apps
There is no point in downloading utility apps claiming to speed up your iPhone, clean the memory and increase the battery performance as the Apple gadgets usually do a great job at managing memory and other performance.
No-rating apps
Any app if you have found interesting then check the ratings. If it doesn't have any rating or features very low rating on App Store then definitely you should not download it. In many cased such apps are either unpopular or relatively new. Whether to download them or not it depends on the user completely.