How Pittsburgh Real Estate Entrepreneur Brosnan C. Hoban Has Worked with Tenants Through the Pandemic

Brosnan C. Hoban

For many businesses, it has been an unimaginable struggle over the last year, as the covid-19 pandemic has affected business owners in countless ways. And while for some, these challenges have resulted in devastating loss in sales and revenue and even closing down businesses completely, for the tenants of Pittsburgh-based real estate entrepreneur Brosnan C. Hoban, this last year has been an opportunity to join forces in solidarity in an effort to combat the challenges and negative effects of the pandemic. While business has surely been a struggle for the commercial real estate industry, Hoban has relied on his values to get himself and his tenants through the pandemic.

Known for the mega impact on the commercial real estate sector of the greater Pittsburgh area, Hoban has additionally been recognized for his character and value as a businessman. Throughout the pandemic, instead of ousting tenants and remaining adamant about rent rates, the young entrepreneur has been gracious, working with his tenants in order to help them remain in business, despite these difficult times. Though the stories of evicted tenants have inundated news headlines over the last year, Hoban has commendably taken the high road, with humanity and compassion in mind.

"What I am most proud of during the pandemic is working with my tenants and agreeing to lower their rent so they could stay afloat" he says. "While most landlords did not decrease rent, I worked with my tenants and made sure they did not go out of business."

And through it all, as Hoban continues to look for new ways to adapt in order to maintain sales and business through the ever-changing stages of the pandemic, it's been his own tenants that have kept him inspired and motivated. Known for conducting business like a family among his tenants and clientele, Hoban has developed a reputation for his fair and considerate business acumen.

"As more people get vaccinated and businesses start to get back to full capacity, it gives me hope that 2021 will be an amazing year. My tenants have inspired me in so many ways. They have fought through so much adversity during this pandemic and now see light at the end of the tunnel, Brosnan says. "Things are finally getting back to normal".