The heartthrob of the nation Sushmita Duttagupta who was earlier this year crowned as Mrs. India International 2021 and Mrs. Asia Universe 2021 is now firmly taking a stand on social issues like domestic violence, women's right to equality, and female empowerment.
A young girl from Dibrugarh, Assam never thought of railing the podium surrounded with cheers, confetti, and love of the people that saw her build her own realm now walking the aisle being their queen.
Many people in this world settle for less struggling for their stability but there is one example of sheer dedication who never quitted on her dreams and have now carved her way to attainment, she is none other than Sushmita Duttagupta who has been crowned as Mrs. Asia Universe 2021 and Mrs. India International 2021.
Sushmita is a fierce, bold, and beautiful icon, entrepreneur, influencer, Role model to many girls around the globe, and an exemplary example of refinement and talent. Initially, glamour was not her calling, she worked as a Lab technician in a pharmaceutical company after completing BSc in Biotechnology just at the age of 20 but that didn't suit her fidelity and so she shifted her dimension to construction and real estate alongside her forte of rejuvenation ie. part-time modeling, Sush yet wanted to study and inculcate the values of educational upliftment and completed MSc in Project Management later from the UK. Alongside she commenced her first business – A sea fronted restaurant in the Middle East which was a huge success in parallel with trading forex and investing in crypto currencies.
But along with being an influencer, she is also an advocate against Domestic Violence. Sushmita feels a promising need to take a step against it belonging from a country where approximately one in four women suffers from domestic abuse, Duttagupta wants to use her position, reach and platform to speak against domestic abuse and to work with local charities and the government to stop women being subjected to domestic abuse. She has also used her pageantry stage to discuss these issues too.
Sushmita adds by saying "Domestic violence results in two women being murdered each week. Additionally, around 400 people commit suicide each year due to domestic abuse. These figures break my heart. I want to help women to find their voice and to put a stop to these awful crimes."