Gustavo Geraldes; Road to Entrepreneurialism

Gustavo Geraldes

Entrepreneurial master, and founder of Home Sales Club, Gustavo Geraldes understands that his busy work schedule can often interfere with his personal life. He has made deep commitments to balancing his work and personal life in an attempt to maintain sanity by engaging in many physical outdoor activities. Despite working hard to maintain a work life balance, he has also set many goals for himself.

One of the many goals that he has set for himself is to become America's leading iBuyer as well as be a household name for selling properties. He then wants to focus on developing other components of the business by being able to keep most of the control within the company by having full oversight of transactions from front to back and eliminating the need for third party services. By removing the need for third party processing, it enables Home Sales Club to leverage their flexibility and data and provide additional services to their clients. By building a prop tech ecosystem, Home Sales Club will be able to deliver a wide range of valuable services to homeowners across the nation.

During this journey, one pivotal moment for Gustavo was his deep desire for personal evolution. He says he lives by the motto "Go to bed a bit smarter than you woke up each day". In order for him to achieve this, he began reading books that encouraged personal growth. Two books that had a significant impact on his lifestyle were "The Happiness Hypothesis" and "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari." These two books offered a new perspective on life that he realized is not all about the dollar figures but rather focuses on being grateful for the achievements that have already been made in an effort to continue achieving. These two books were the start of a positive change in his life.

Additionally, Gustavo has had many people in his life that he looked up to in business that aided in his entrepreneurial growth. Though he doesn't have one specific figure that he looks to, he expresses that there are many different individuals who have characteristics he idolized. Two leaders that he has paid close attention to are Patrick and John Collision who are the founders of Stripe. He expresses that although he does not operate in the same work space, he finds it very interesting to hear them speak and watch the ways in which they dissect questions and their careful responses. He says that similarly to other uniquely gifted entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk, the ways they process information and in turn are able to simplify many of the world's greatest challenges is astonishing. He then shares that many other entrepreneurs set aside time in their days and weeks in order to better themselves and continue their education and this has had a great influence on him. His takeaway is that it is important to maintain a strategic mindset about one's business but that also balance is necessary to have success. What this allows is the ability to think about the future of the industry and find innovative technology or methods that can give your business the cutting edge above all others. He says "I always think – if all these great entrepreneurs have one thing in common which is studying/reading, it is important to model this behavior in an attempt to model their success".