Discovering feel-good stories and new interests seems like a difficult task in a world where bad news spreads faster than good ones. We tend to pay more attention to negative headlines and yes, it can be draining. Finding positive scoops online has consequently become seemingly impossible, but thanks to this media brand, you'll never go a day without scratching your head and cracking a smile.
There's a good chance you've stumbled across one of their tweets in recent days. The channel, 'Today Years Old', aims to bring little-known facts, daily discoveries, and eye-opening stories to your timeline in a witty manner. Just in the last month, their Twitter account has gone viral and continues to do so for a good reason.
The company behind the educational yet clever quips, Today Years Old Media, has a seemingly long-standing reputation for entertaining and aggregating content for an audience of millions on Instagram, but their recent attention on Twitter came as a shock to the team. "I'm truly amazed that the project has had such a positive response on Twitter, literally overnight. We've had a long-standing presence on Instagram, but I'm so glad the content we share has now found a home on Twitter as well," the founder Aidan Schwieger said in an interview with Bored Panda.
When asked about the direction of the channel and how they decide what to share, Aidan continued, "In all honesty, I really share whatever interests me. I love learning new things and when I come across something unusual or unexpected, I can't help but share it." The team says they now rely heavily on user submissions and tags, but take additional measures to review the accuracy of all posts using online publications and articles.
With a growing community and a bright future, Today Years Old Media has developed plans to continue to educate while bringing a smile to your timeline. Aidan finished the interview adding "I hope this project will allow people to find new interests and encourage [everyone] to continue to be curious about the world around [them]...There is always something new to learn in our world. You can never really know everything." The company intends to continue to inspire and build a community supported by users who find these discoveries just as fascinating as its team does.