Female leader: Natalia Evtushenkova, outstanding manager of remarkable modesty

Natalia Evtushenkova

Mother, engineer, executive: foundation of success

Natalia gradually built the base for today's success. In 1973 she graduated from the Moscow University of Chemical Technology with an Engineer's degree in Chemistry and Technology of Macromolecular Compounds. In 1976 her first child – daughter Tatiana – was born, and in 1978 – son Felix. When the children grew up, Natalia decided to return to work and pursue her professional development. From this moment her active career growth has started – she worked and studied at the same time, changed the field of activity, going further step by step. By the way, her children follow the family tradition – both of them have great achievements in management and banking.

Path in banking

Mrs. Evtushenkova's career in the banking sector started in 1999, when she began to work in the Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Moscow Bank for Reconstruction and Development" (PJSC MTS Bank nowadays) as the Head of the Internal Control Department.

In March 2000 Natalia was elected as a Member of the Management Board of the Moscow Bank for Reconstruction and Development, in May 2004 she got the position of the Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of the bank and joined its Board of Directors. After renaming the company in 2012 to JSC MTS bank, and then to PJSC MTS bank in 2014, Mrs. Evtushenkova has retained her membership in the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors till today. On 29th of June 2020 at the annual general meeting of shareholders of PJSC MTS bank, she was again appointed as a member of the Board of Directors.

In 2008 Natalia joined the Board of Directors in East-West United Bank and has retained this position for 14 years.

Natalia Evtushenkova's official duties at EWUB are: attending the Board of directors' meetings, taking part in preparation and discussion of all important issues under consideration of the Board, making informed decisions, developing and approving the bank's strategy.

Despite all her achievements, Natalia Evtushenkova is remarkably modest, she does not claim her merits in the public eye and hardly gives interviews. But if a woman is entrusted for many years with managing such a complicated banking business, it is bright evidence that she is a very talented executive. The success of EWUB is due in many respects to the vast experience and the professionalism of Natalia as a shareholder and a member of the Board of Directors.