Zack "ROI" Williams a name that is quickly becoming more and more known. Zack started a full spectrum digital marketing agency, ROI Marketing Firm, but has now become more of an Angel Investor. Instead of investing capital, he invests his time, knowledge, and skills to take businesses to the next level, saving them tens of thousands, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars in marketing, and propelling their revenue to astronomical amounts. Zack has had a lot of experience in the marketing field and has quickly made his name in the business owner, and entrepreneurial markets. He now owns all or a portion of 9 businesses. Now we are more interested in International Business, which 4 of his partnerships are, so let's find out how he did it.
We asked Zack how he broke into international markets, and his answer was pretty humbling: "It's a wild story, I swear, but I think it will give a lot of hope to the ones out there really busting their@$$ to make their dreams come true. Believe it or not, this story starts on the app Clubhouse. I used that app to market and network with other like minded individuals. I hosted a weekly room where I did nothing but offer value to all that came and asked questions on marketing. One day a lady named Isabell Rodriguez came to my room and listened for 4 hours. She finally spoke, and I was so incredibly blown away by her story, I wanted to know more. During the conversation, and getting to speak in more detail she told me I HAD to meet her husband. So I was then introduced to Hector Rodriguez Curbelo. We instantly hit it off, and I saw so much hunger, and desire in him, that I knew I wanted to be in his network. Now mind you, Hector is a multi 8 figure CEO, so how was I going to accomplish this?"
Ok, I am sure you are interested, as we were on how Zack was able to take a cold conversation and turn it into an eventual business partnership with four international businesses. Don't worry, we asked, and this is what we got: "Value, Value, Value. The entire conversation started in an app where I was offering information and knowledge that I have collected over my 14+ years in the marketing industry to people who may not have had access to it. That is where I met Isabell; due to what she heard, she wanted to connect me to her multi-million dollar husband, Hector. On my call with Hector, I again led with value. Hector has some INSANELY intricate business operations and developments. I did, however, see where there was some room for me to offer my expertise in marketing, to make some minor tweaks that equate to a few million dollars in a room to grow. I spent 45 minutes leading with value, giving him my opinion. He was so blown away with not just what I showed him but my willingness to give him this information for free, with no promise of work or asking for anything in return. Needless to say, the rest of the story goes pretty well for both of us."
It's pretty crazy how two people can be brought together through internet-based apps from different countries in today's world and lead to international business deals. Zack then went on to speak at Hector's Millionaire Mastermind in Costa Rica, hosted in a 5 million dollar mansion. Zack told us a little bit about that experience as well. "So as if this entire story isn't crazy enough, here I was in Costa Rica in an indescribable house, watching the sunset with my beautiful wife, preparing to speak the next day to 7, 8, and 9 figure business owners on marketing their businesses. I was thinking the same thing you are now 'why me?'. So I asked Hector that, straight up the next day. We were in his car, the two of us. I said, 'Hey bro, why in the world did you choose me?' He replied, 'the way you approached me.' He said, 'when we started speaking, it wasn't about money or what I could do for you, but what we could do together. You wanted to partner up and take the responsibility needed to make this succeed. It reminded me of myself. That's why you are here.' So here I was. In Costa Rica, thanks to Hector, speaking at his incredible event, which would lead to 4 international partnerships. All because I was willing to offer value first." replied Zack.
This is one of the more interesting stories we have heard, one of determination and opportunity. Zack made sure to mention that he shares this story often to bring hope to the real go-getters in the world. The ones that "make sh*t happen," in his words. Zack said, "You have to ask, You have to offer, and you can't ever give up." Zack made sure to let us know that he's just a normal guy who is willing to do whatever it takes to grind for his dreams, for his family, and you can too. Zack told us that he wants this story to encourage one person to keep pushing. To keep grinding. To keep the fire alive to succeed. He said that if you get told 99 times, it only takes that one to say yes, and lead to a multi-million dollar international business deal.
Zack put out a free eBook for marketing your business, and you can read it at: www.roiebook.com