Entrepreneur Momodou Saidykhan has taken up the sales even during the pandemic

Momodou Saidykhan

From a biology student to a great entrepreneur, Mr. Saidykhan has set an example of being the greatest of all time. Hailing from London and from a background of middle-class working parents, Momodou was always motivated to pursue biology for a better way of living.

During his years at university, studying and looking for a job, he took a chance on starting something that could provide him with a real income. That's when he tried his hands at reselling trainers. Yes, a business that gave him success. Observing students and his fellow mates wearing trainers gave him zeal as he wished to own them as well, but somehow, he couldn't because of their price.

There, he decided to finance it for himself by starting a new line. A business plan that was in a way where he purchased trainers on the launch and at a retail price and then sold them at a higher price. This gave him money and did work for him for a good time. Since the trend of trainers is always notched up amongst the crowd, his business got a hike and he managed to flourish.

It's simple to wish for and desire what you want, but it takes a great step forward to seize and win it. Mr. Saidykhan turned this comment into a career move, and he is now the lord of his realm.

Elusive, his brand, is doing well in London, and he wants to expand its reach abroad. Momodou is working around the clock to ensure that his business is successful and that it reaches the international market as quickly as feasible.