The term 'Emotional Mastery' may evoke different meanings but emotions are the most important part of being human. How we humans react depends on our emotions. Emotional Mastery may sound cliché but sometimes to unstuck yourself in life and transform a negative experience into positive, emotional mastery experts have to come in the picture. Dr Navana Kundu is an international author and one of the prominent experts of Emotional Mastery who has lived most of her life in beautiful countries like Dubai, India, Italy, Spain, and Hong Kong. From working in a large-scale MNC to becoming a successful global entrepreneur, her journey has indeed been one of its kind.
An inspirational woman who aimed to achieve the extraordinary, Dr Navana has achieved all the milestones today. Her journey began when she went through the struggles of life, tragedy, death, failed relationship, loss, and pain which led to depression. In the pursuit of happiness, she got trained as a practitioner of 20 different therapeutic and coaching modalities. To find the true purpose of life, she moved to the Himalayas and that's when her life changed forever. She says, "Our moments of deepest pain are our greatest gifts of life. Live life to the fullest! Use your emotions to control your mind."
In an exclusive conversation, Dr. Navana Kundu speaks about her journey, ways to tackle difficult emotions, how emotional well-being is linked with mental health, and much more. Check out her interview below:
Q: Why does everything in life gets connected to our emotions?
A: Where there is emotion, there is life: it shows in your relationships, health, work. The world is run by emotions. Tough but true. We buy something because it makes us feel good. How many times your emotions of anger or rejection have clouded important decisions in life? Emotions are always working at the deepest level to impact our decisions, actions, habits, and results.
Q: Is it good to be emotional or is it a sign of vulnerability?
A: It is a corrosive myth in today's society that emotions are a sign of vulnerability. Emotion is value. You must be a brave heart to show and share how you feel and that projects you as an authentic self to others and gains you respect and human connection.
Q: What moved you to become an emotional mastery expert?
A: I realized from my decade of therapy and coaching experience that emotions are everything. You can have a million dollars but if your primary emotions are that of stress, frustration, anger, then life is not great for you. How successful you are in life depends on how emotionally fit you are. Anger can crumble you or inspire you take the most significant action. So, if you do not master your emotions, your emotions will master you.
Q: What are the ways to tackle different kinds of emotions?
A: I have talked about the 7 step Breakthrough Emotions Formula in my book 'Emotional Mastery-Toolkit For Success.' It is like the First Aid of Emotional Mastery. The groundbreaking strategies rapidly shift your anxiety, worry in a matter of a few minutes. I have given tips in the book on Energy Diet to sustain empowering emotions of joy, calm with lasting results.
Q: Have you ever gone through the phase of depression? If yes, how did you overcome it?
A: After losing my mother, my grief turned into long drawn depression until one day I told myself, "Enough is enough!" People say time heals everything. I say that you need the right strategies to heal. I immersed myself in high-level strategies with which I could use my emotions as building blocks to change my life for good.
Q: How is emotional stability linked to mental health?
A: Positive emotions result in positive thinking, positive actions, and positive outcome. Mind training, positive thinking will not work when there is no emotional mastery. Affirmations without emotional engagement are useless. People say, 'Mind Over Matter', I say 'Emotions Over Mind.'
Q: What has been your biggest achievement so far?
A: The essence of living is giving. When I hear the inspiring feedback of my clients after attending my webinars, sessions, courses that their quality of life has truly shifted I feel proud. When they tell me by implementing the emotional mastery strategies their body is regenerated, their state of feeling and thinking is transformed I feel proud. Their taking a solid step towards the greater expansion of fulfilment, self-love, and confidence gives me a sense of achievement.
Q: How does a day in your life look like?
A: I take it sincerely and joyfully to air all the 4 rooms of my life on a daily basis – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. So, I balance my day with yoga, meditation, mind training, emotion upskilling activities. I am an unpredictable person, so my day normally has a lot of variety. At the end of the day, I go over what worked out and where I could improve. During workshop tours, no matter how busy or tired I get, I make sure to take 15 minutes before bed to be with myself by doing meditation.
Q: What's your life goal?
A: My goal is to help people end suffering because our generation suffers from emotional illiteracy. I am here to tell you that a bigger house, bigger car, bigger bank balance will not make you happy. The road to bigger and better will bleed you to exhaustion. Learn how to use your emotions to empower yourself, to create the destiny of your choice, and live your life on your terms.