Dr. Abeer Fahim: When Academia Meets Social Media

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Dr. Abeer Fahim

"We need more academics on social media," insists Dr. Abeer Fahim, a well-known English literature enthusiast, Assistant Professor of English in Abu Dhabi Polytechnic (UAE), and author who has touched the lives of many in her years of writing. An extremely accomplished woman, she has devoted her life to her craft which she decided on at the early age of 8.
"Academics in various specializations can connect with the world through social media. On Instagram or Facebook, you can present your ideas and simplify them, since they are not necessarily to a specialized audience. I get messages from followers all the time who are happy that a literature professor is sharing her insights on Instagram. I know there are many academics on social media, but we need more academic voices that bridge the gap between academia and "the real world".

On the expectations that people have of academics on social media, Dr. Fahim explains that academics should not be discouraged: "Yes, I admit that there is some pressure when your followers know that you are an academic and see you as an expert in your field. However, I'm not letting that get to me. The content I share on my social media platforms is not just for academics, it's for everyone. The poetry I once wrote for my creative writing class is different from the poetry I share on Instagram, and that is fine. I respect and appreciate my readers and followers and I write what I truly feel and what resonates with them."

Exceptional Academic Attainment

Dr. Fahim has a vast amount of accomplishments which include an MA and a PhD in Literature from Durham University, England in 2006 and 2012 respectfully. Her love for the art of literature motivated her to write her own piece. Countless reviews of her novel "Her seven Days in Bali" describe the writing as exquisite and eye opening. Her methods of bringing her own knowledge forward are both subtle and attention demanding.

Beyond Academics

Along with all of her accomplishments she also has twin boys. That's right, Dr. Fahim is a mother of two, with great qualifications, a beautiful personality, and ambition. She's a woman who puts forth the utmost effort in all she does, an all-around example of a model to many regardless of age or gender.

She created an inspirational quotes Facebook page on December 15th called Juliet Turns the Page, in which she posts her confidence-boosting and motivational writings. As it stands she currently has more than 170,000 followers across the world and her posts themselves are shared thousands of times.

Her wisdom has quite literally been spread across the globe. "I believe that literature can be a powerful gateway to understanding ourselves and others. A literary piece can highlight the complexity of human nature and the ambiguity of our paths in life". These are words that Dr. Fahim herself has used to describe her feelings towards literature. She sees it as a method of understanding others, to be better able to relate and evidently in her case help other people whether by passing on her knowledge or by encouraging them to carry on.

This article was first published on April 13, 2021