Two Ohio police officers were caught on video punching a Black woman repeatedly in the face following an altercation at McDonald's. The incident was filmed by a bystander and has created outrage on social media.
A Bulter Township police officer Sgt Todd Stanley grappled with the woman, identified as Latinka Hancock. He punched her repeatedly leaving her with a bloody face and concussion following dispute over missing cheese on a Big Mac. She had to be taken to hospital for treatment.
Hancock has been charged with resisting arrest and three other charges.
Disorderly Customer
The two police officers, Sgt. Todd Stanley and Tim Zellers, responded to a Monday afternoon call about a disorderly customer at the McDonald's at 3411 York Commons Blvd. The footage shows Hancock explain the dispute with McDonald's employees. She said she entered the restaurant after ordering through the drive through.
Hancock highlighted that she had paid for extra cheese and did not receive it. She told the officers that one employee who was nice asked another employee to remake the sandwich. The second employee requested Hancock to pay an additional fee for the extra cheese. She asked about the additional charge as she had already paid for the extra cheese. Hancock said she didn't get an answer and asked for a refund which she eventually received. She was then told that the police had been called and to leave the restaurant.

Confrontation in the Parking
The officers in their report said Hancock was backing out of her parking spot when they arrived. She was asked for a driver's license but she didn't have one and she also refused to provide her identification. It erupted into a heated exchange of words and one police officer decided to place her under arrest.
The police officers said Hancock resisted arrest. This led to one officer threatening to use a Taser on her and other hit her on the right side of the face. Various reports say that Stanley punched Hancock multiple times in the face until she falls back on the hood of the police cruiser. She is handcuffed by Zellers.
She was then placed in handcuffs and into the police car. The police said Hancock didn't have a driver's license and they found an open container of alcohol in the front seat of her vehicle.

Officer Sent on Leave
Bulter Township Chief of Police John Porter said an administrative investigation has been initiated. He highlighted that Stanley has been placed on paid leave while the department conducts an investigation. Porter said the department has also received hate mail. "If improper conduct is found as a result of the investigation, the findings will include a recommendation for disciplinary action." The police chief did not comment on the appropriateness of the police officers' actions, but he did say that they are trained to use force for personal protection.