Calcium and Vitamin D tablets will not protect your bones, claims new study

hip pain

A recent study led by Dr. Jia-Guo Zhao of Tianjin Hospital in northeastern China has found that there is no evidence to prove the effectiveness of calcium and Vitamin D tablets in protecting your bones from fractures. The study report is now available in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Calcium tablets will not protect your bones from fractures

During the study, Jia-Guo Zhao and his team of researchers analyzed more than 50,000 adults over the age of 50, an age group in which fractures are becoming a serious health concern. Previously studies have found that more than 40% women in this age group will suffer from at least one major osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime.

The study conducted by Jia-Guo Zhao primarily concentrated on older adults who live in the general community and did not include people who are living in nursing homes and hospitals.

During the clinical trial, researchers compared the effect of calcium and Vitamin D tablets with a placebo or no treatment. The conclusion was pretty clear, as the intake of Vitamin D and calcium supplements does not warrant the prevention of bone fractures among older adults.

When the researchers analyzed the role of Vitamin D which helps the body to absorb calcium, there was no significant proof to ascertain the positive effects of Vitamin D in reducing hip fractures. Similar results were obtained when researchers analyzed trials involving people who took the combination of Vitamin D and calcium supplements.

According to the study authors, calcium and Vitamin D supplements may still be useful for people who live in hospitals and other facilities, as they are more prone to osteoporosis due to lack of nutrition and less sun exposure. But in the case of older adults who live in their houses in a healthy manner, the chances of a positive effect due to calcium supplement intake are pretty less.