Freelancing, as the Team Ayvid believes, is the new profession of Indian youth. It's the perfect phase where any newbie individual can hone his or her skills before actually stepping into the world of Business. Although BDP has the career option of doing a High Paying Job open, they encourage their students to just not stick to it. Freelancing under BDP seems to give their students those extra Income sources that a High Paying Job alone cannot provide.
When asked about the Founder & CEO of Ayvid, Ms Divya Lad, she said & quote, "Freelancing is changing the way any individual makes money, especially in India. Getting a High Paying Job traditionally being the only way out for a stable & a reputed career & Income option, times have changed for the 21st century. Freelancing under BDP now gives its students the chance of dealing with a global client base from anywhere in the world. They literally just need to have a Laptop & a good Internet connectivity to make money."
Business Development Programme (BDP), giving 3 earning options to its students, first being a High Paying Job, second to Freelance, & third starting up their own Company or Business; it encourages their students to take up more than just one career option. As the Team believes & quote, "BDP is all about getting you at least three solid sources of Income. For this, the students are encouraged to explore & work under more than just one career option. There are two advantages to this, the first one is that they will gain extra exposure in fields that they might want to switch their careers to in future. And second, is obviously the Income part. Doing more is always a good thing as it gives more opportunities to earn."
Freelancing under BDP has made a lot of individuals earn that extra source of Income which these individuals seem to have been using for various purposes. As reported, 50% of Ayvid's BDP Students are working professionals. The Team focuses on making these particular individuals earn enough money from their side Freelancing career, which to a point exceeds their Job Income. And once it exceeds, most of them quit their Jobs & dive into Freelancing full time. The reason why most of the students favour this option is because it gives them the freedom of working from any time & place of their convenience. Not to mention the bigger pay from this than their current Jobs. Another application is majorly in favour of students who are still studying. With their Freelancing career alongside their Bachelor's or Master's Degrees, they seem to have been paying their college/ universities fees with the money they make through Freelancing under BDP.
All in all, the whole purpose of the Business Development Programme (BDP), happens to make its students realize the potential of those extra streams of Income, that have the capacity of surpassing their current Income and giving them a small taste of what doing Business can look like. All of this with a great amount of earnings & exposure, paving their path clear towards a successful & stable career, with opportunities wide open.
Reference Links:
Social Profile: https://instagram.com/thedivyalad?utm_medium=copy_link