Bluestone Property Corporation on Success in the Face of Lockdowns

James Anderson

We've all heard the phrase about any given business in which its success 'starts at the top' and no truer words could be said in relation to Bluestone Property Corporation's founder and managing director, James Anderson.

Despite unconventional times amongst a global pandemic and rigid lockdowns, this real estate investment firm has remained resilient and passionate about servicing Australian clients.

Melbourne is devastatingly the most 'locked-down city in the world' to date since the impact of COVID-19. I think every Melbourne/Victoria-based individual agrees the last 2 years have concocted unpredictable challenges for both businesses and individuals. It is understandable the effects of lockdowns, border restrictions, and employment restraints have taken their toll on many.

Whilst Bluestone Property Corporation has faced setbacks, the real estate investment group is adamant that the only thing one can do is be flexible in a tumultuous situation.

'I quickly identified that client interaction was going to be a challenge, so ensuring I was always on zoom, facetime, phone calls was paramount to remaining viable' James said.

'Texts and emails can only go so far, to create meaningful and memorable client relationships you need to service clients in real time' he said.

'Client reassurance, confidence and peace of mind should always be key in any industry'.

Tough times will always present themselves. They will certainly test you, through blood, sweat, and tears! But the way you deal with adversity defines you and your business.

James stresses the key to surviving these times is focusing in on the variables in your control. In the case of Melbourne's intermittent lockdowns in the last 18 months, social media has been the answer for Bluestone Property Corporation. Instagram, in particular, was vital in helping the team continue to prospect.

'I have always said that it's so imperative businesses are seen constantly doing things relevant to their industry' James said.

'You need to stay in front of your client base/target audience' he said.

'I found a simple Instagram story of a property brochure or evidence of a new contract signing generated good traction and inquiry for the business'.

Bluestone Property Corporation is a real estate investment company which prides itself on its personalised approach with customer service. The team is genuinely passionate about ensuring investors, first-home buyers, or home buyers, have a positive and simple experience when buying a property.

Many property giants are likely to hold little regard for the individuals they serve. James and the team at Bluestone Property Corporating demonstrate polar opposite behaviors. To James 'no two clients are the same – you are never just a number', he says.

'Every single client has different circumstances and different objectives'.

Nothing in life is certain or concrete. Whilst the pandemic is an extreme version of business taking an unexpected and restraining turn, a successful entrepreneur must approach it as they do any business challenge. They must ask the honest but necessary questions; such as: 'How can I adapt?' 'What variables can I control?' 'What must I do to ensure my business remains vigilant?'

Bluestone Property Corporation is focused on perfecting client service interactions. Their down-to-earth team helps Australian home buyers and investors make informed real estate investment decisions, without hurdles and headaches.