Ben Shapiro drew a comparison between President Donald Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis and Will Smith-starred 'I Am Legend' saying Trump will develop an "anti-Covid serum" with his antibodies much like Smith's character Robert Neville in the movie and save the humanity. But netizens were not convinced with the conservative political commentator's prediction and reminded him how the movie ended.
Late Monday, Shapiro took to Twitter to talk about the "biggest twist" of 2020. He said Trump would develop a cure for coronavirus with his antibodies in a similar fashion to that of Smith's character Neville in the science fiction thriller and also win 50 states in the upcoming presidential election.
The comparison did not go down well with Twitter users who pointed out to him that Neville killed himself at the end of the movie — an adaption of an eponymous post-apocalyptic horror book by Richard Matheson.

In 'I Am Legend,' a fatal virus wiped out half of the human population and turned the remaining ones as mutants. Smith's character Neville was the only surviving human in New York and was immune to the virus.
As the movie progressed, Neville went to develop a cure — a serum from his blood — and gave it to a few survivors. However, it is interesting to note that to let the survivors escape with his cure from an attack by the mutants, he blew himself up with a grenade killing them and himself.

Several users of the micro-blogging mocked Shapiro for missing out the crucial scene from the movie. 'I Am Legend' began trending on Twitter with over 21 thousand tweets attributed to the trend after Shapiro's tweet at the time of publishing.
Some wondered whether Shapiro unintentionally expressed that the President should sacrifice himself like Neville. Others questioned whether Shapiro watched 'I Am Legend' till the end or he read the book.

Shapiro's tweet came after the president left Walter Reed Medical Center to return to the White House on Monday. Last Thursday, Trump announced he and his wife Melania were tested positive for Covid-19 and would remain in quarantine.
Shortly after he arrived at the White House, Trump was seen removing the mask as he posed for photojournalists. Some netizens said they spotted the President gasping for air before entering the White House.