Scarred by the lockdown, businesses are going to every length to promote COVID vaccination, to make sure it doesn't happen again. One such fun initiative was seen by a brothel in Austria to 'award' people for getting vaccinated on-site. Fun Palast in Vienna is offering free 'sex sessions' to patrons with a sex worker of their choosing if they get vaccinated at the brothel.
"We are very popular," Christoph Lielacher, director of the Fun Palast spoke of the appalling new initiative with Reuters. Lielacher noted that they introduced the incentivizing scheme in response to the government's mandate barring the unvaccinated from indoor spaces like restaurants, hotels, etc.

'Men refuse vaccination'
Fun Palast is offering the COVID jab every Monday from 4 pm to 10 pm all through November. Men who get vaccinated on-site are given a free 30-minute session in the skin merchant's VIP club with a "lady of their choice." "Many men, very many men with a migration background, virtually refuse vaccination or don't even know that you can be vaccinated," Fun Palast manager Peter Laskaris said. Laskaris added that they decided to "set up a vaccination street here."
Boys as young as 14 are allowed
Not only men but boys as young as 14 are allowed access the clinic, as long as they have an adult with them. Women are also encouraged to head towards Fun Palast to get the COVID vaccine. "Since the 2G rule (vaccinated or recovered) has been in place, there has been a real rush to get vaccinated," Laskaris noted. "We have had a lot of people come in today to get vaccinated."
"I would have gotten vaccinated anyway but the 2G rule has certainly accelerated things a little," said one satisfied customer. "I think this is perfectly OK because we can achieve a better immunization rate this way and that's necessary to end the pandemic at some point," he added. The brothel manager Lielacher is hoping that this initiative will help the country achieve the 70% to 75% vaccination rate required for herd immunity. Austria currently stands at 63% of the total population vaccinated, according to the National News.