As strange as it might sound, an Australian model got the biggest shock of her life after she delivered a baby and later realized that she was, indeed, pregnant. The model from Melbourne, Erin Langmaid, had no idea that a child was on the way and took to Instagram sharing her ordeal.
The 22-year-old Erin Langmaid, who was completely normal before going to the washroom, suddenly got a severe stomach ache. Her boyfriend Daniel,ran into the washroom hearing her screams and to their complete shock, she delivered a baby girl right then and there. in just a matter of 10 minutes in the washroom, Erin and Daniel became parents to a newly born girl child.
Erin revealed that she had no baby bump, sickness, cravings or any sort of abnormalities that hinted towards pregnancy. She also stated that she was taking contraceptive shots and the possibility of being pregnant was off the radar, until the fateful day she walked in to the washroom with pain and came out holding a baby.
Speaking to Sunrise, the new mum told the breakfast show, "It was the biggest shock of my life. It was over in about five or ten minutes,'' and her boyfriend Daniel continued, "I heard a big scream and I ran in there and opened the door and I was worried about her, and then I saw the little one and I thought, 'hang on, there's two'."
Daniel took to Instagram sharing a picture of his new family by saying, ''She lived in mummy's tummy for 9 months without letting us know. Now after a big week we look forward to life as a little fam with the most gorgeous new little addition and all the great things that come with that!''
Erin got a little more emotional and thanked her boyfriend for showering all his love on her and her little baby. ''The hardest week of our lives, you are my rock. And now you are Isla's. 2 years with you.''
Also, the phenomenon of a symptom-less pregnancy is called a cryptic pregnancy. It's a condition that suppresses symptoms of pregnancy and the mother's frame and size can mean the bump stays more or less hidden, without giving a hint that the woman is indeed pregnant.