A man set himself on fire in his car over vaccine mandates in Australia on Saturday. He is said to have been protesting against COVID vaccine mandates in Victoria imposed by Dan Andrews. An eyewitness of the incident told The Herald Sun that the man was screaming, 'no vax id' and throwing books. The horrifying incident is said to have taken place near Church St in Richmond.
According to eyewitness accounts, the man in question stepped out of his silver MG3 hatchback engulfed himself and his car in flames. He was screaming about vaccine mandates. Police officers and firefighters helped put off the fire with the help of five witnesses. He was then rushed to a hospital.
Victoria Police responded to reports of a man self-harming at the intersection. Witnesses to the incident helped restrain the burning man until police officers arrived. According to police, the man sustained life-threatening injuries. His identity was not clear at the moment.

'He was off his face screaming about the mandates'
A witness told The Herald Sun that the man's burning flesh was stuck to her shirt. "He was off his face screaming about the mandates," she said. The witness, Lydia O'Connor was having dinner at a cafe nearby when the man poured gas on himself and his car. "He was screaming about mandates. He was screaming 'no vax ID' and throwing books," the witness noted.
Witnesses noted that the man's car was left with a charred driver's side door post the fire. Police barricaded off the area near the intersection of Church and Swan Street. Customers present at the surrounding joints were asked to stay indoors. Forensic police also examined the area. Trams running along Route 70 and Route 78 were disrupted because of the incident. An investigation into the incident is going on.
Vaccine mandates in Australia
According to vaccine mandates in Victoria, Australia, those working for essential services including grocery stores, banks, public transportation, agriculture, health care, postal services, pharmacies, emergency services, gas stations, and the police among others, are required to get vaccinated. In addition to that, workers wanting to work onsite rather than from home in the non-essential sector must also be vaccinated.