Fresh details of Apple's self-driving car system have surfaced via internal documents secured through a public records request by Business Insider. The company is now extensively testing an Automated System for self-driving cars with a special training program being conducted for select staffers to acclimatise them in operating the vehicles.

The internal documents detail Apple's "Development Platform Specific Training" and a new self-driving car system called "Apple Automated System".
The company is reportedly testing three new Lexus RX450h SUVs, which use a Logitech wheel and pedals to enable drivers to disengage the electronic driving mode and take over manual controls via 'drive by wire' mode.

The document further clarifies that Apple drivers must clear seven different tests in order to qualify for actual training session with self-driving cars. Each driver gets two practice runs and three trials to pass each test in a seemingly private course.
[Source: Business Insider]