Amy Yang, Entrepreneur and Social Media Star Discusses Remote Work

Amy Yang

With a background in computer science and marketing, Amy Yang has the unique perspective of being an entrepreneur, social media star, and remote worker. In her interview with Forbes Magazine, she discussed how to stay productive while working remotely, her company — Amy Shop.

"I don't think it's possible for anyone to be completely disconnected from work," says Amy Yang. "You can have some time when you're not doing anything but that doesn't mean it's 100% disconnecting."

Her business grew during the pandemic, which forced her to be on call.

"I was working during the pandemic to help out with that and it definitely helped me get work done because I had a lot more time than everyone else who were stuck in traffic or trying to go home," says Amy Yang. "Having those longer periods of uninterrupted time really helps you focus."

To stay productive, she schedules her day so there are no distractions from phone calls, texts, or emails when she's doing important tasks. She also uses tools such as Evernote and Slack for reminders and communication respectively. When she needs an escape from work related activities, she finds herself checking into fitness apps like My Fitness Pal where they have challenges among users which keeps her motivated while exercising. With all these techniques, Amy Yang is able to get work done without having too much stress.

It's important for managers and employees alike to realize that no matter how busy they are, their organization requires work from everyone in order to make an impact on customers. 'Managers need to recognize that remote workers aren't hanging out all day watching cat videos,' says Amy Yang. Rather than focus on time at a desk, managers should monitor progress against specific goals like product development milestones instead of working hours.' Employees should also take advantage of tools designed specifically for staying connected while working remotely such as Slack which allows coworkers instant messaging, file sharing and provides a searchable history of all conversations.

Facebook's platform has been a great help for Amy by connecting with more people and generating sales. Other platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest have been great for user engagement to keep up with what their customers are saying about the brand. The Livestreams functionality on Facebook has also been an added advantage because it allows her to respond instantly.

When you're a small business, people expect more personal interactions. Having a live video where they can see your face and feel like they know the person behind the brand is important. Amy is an entrepreneur and founder of Amy Shop, one of the fastest growing shopping livestreams on Facebook in Taiwan.