Russian President Vladimir Putin has got nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, his spokesman stated on Thursday. A group of writers from Russia led by Sergey Komkov mentioned that they had submitted the nomination of the leader to Oslo on September 10, as per the TASS news agency.
The presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the reporters that Putin got nominated by the Kremlin. "You all know that completely different people are nominated for this award, this is an initiative of those submitting the nomination," he stated. "In this case, [the nomination was submitted by] the aforementioned writer," he added while referring to Komkov. "If this decision is made (to award Putin the prize), great, if not, it's no problem as well," he also mentioned.
Putin Nominated by Komkov's Group

In 2013, Putin got nominated for the prize by the member of parliament Iosif Kobzon, who was known as the 'Russian Frank Sinatra', and the International Academy of Spiritual Unity and Cooperation of people for the participation for resolving the conflict in Syria and trying to put an end to the US military invasion of Syria, as reported by Newsweek.
Last week, the critic of Putin Alexei Navalny got nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by a group of the professors of the Russian university, as per the news organization, citing that Sergei Erofeev, a scientist from Russia working at Rutgers University.
Navalny, who is currently recovering after getting poisoned on Wednesday Putin for suggesting that he had poisoned himself. US President Donald Trump was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by a Norwegian official earlier in the month of September for helping broker a peace deal between Israel and the UAE.
Russia has faced global criticism in recent times after it registered what it claimed the world's first coronavirus vaccine named Sputnik V as experts raised questions about the efficacy and safety of the vaccine as it was not tested properly at that time. An effective coronavirus vaccine is expected by the first quarter of 2021.