Aamir Iqbal, also known as "Sultan of Multan", is a renowned Pakistani entrepreneur, freelancer, and digital marketer.
He was born in Multan to a family of modest means. The son of a local government servant, he worked from an early age to help make ends meet. It wasn't until his mid twenties when he got to know of earning money online and became one of Pakistan's richest and most influential personalities. The success that Aamir has achieved through his hard work and dedication to his business ventures are lessons that can be applied to any industry.
Aamir Iqbal is a famous digital marketer who is internationally renowned for his expertise in content marketing. He has been recognized as one of the top marketers on social media. Amir brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table as he has worked with some of the world's largest brands and has also brought his own multi-million dollar ventures to fruition. If you're one among thousands of his followers, his entrepreneurship was not an overnight success; it took time, hard work, and perseverance.
Not very long after he became acquainted with freelancing via one of his friends. At first, he was unable to comprehend what freelancing is and termed earning money online: "a fantasy". His friend convinced him to give it a try, but Aamir was still hesitant.
"He told me that there are thousands of people around the world who are earning through the internet. I am also earning money via freelancing, and so you can too as well."
Aamir was a bit reluctant to work online as his friend suggested at first. His reluctance faded off when his friend showed him real income proof of his work.
"His income proof made me realize the truth that I am actually missing by being in a traditional 9-to-5 job."
Following the guidance of his friend, Aamir created his first-ever profile on Upwork and shared all the basic computer usage skills he has. The freelancing industry was nowhere as competitive as it is today. Back in the day, nor there were too many users pushing their services to clients neither there were any major freelance job sites other than Upwork. So Aamir landed a job in his first month.
According to Aamir, it was a simple copy/paste job by an American client, and it made him earn 20 dollars in just 5 minutes!
"The client was searching for a copy/paste type of service on the web. He found me a good fit and offered good pay. It took me only 5 minutes to copy/paste the content, and I earned $20."
Very soon, Iqbal launched his own online businesses in various niches - ranging from eCommerce to Google Adsense and Amazon Affiliate to Fiverr Freelancing. He even runs one of Asia's biggest freelancing groups on Facebook, known as Pakistan SEO & Bloggers, where he shares insights on digital marketing practices and strategies, as well as help newbies, skyrocket their online businesses.
Aamir Iqbal is a true entrepreneurial inspiration. For anyone who dreams of striking out on his or her own, Aamir is the perfect role model to emulate. In just his 30s, he has enjoyed every luxury of life while being his own boss.