A 14-year-old girl revealed her teacher, who is also a woman, slut shamed her as she walked out of the class at the end of the period and her remark has hurt her deeply. The incident occurred at the Yulee Middle School in Florida.
The teenager named Alice Wagner said the teacher commented on her clothing saying her outfit is ''letting them hang out for the whole world to see.'' While she revealed she ignored the remark at first, went to the washroom, mustered courage and confronted the teacher said she's part of the ''systemic problem'' that has degraded women for generations.

''(The teacher) told me I was 'letting them hang out for the whole world to see,' as I was exiting the classroom," Alice said to News4Jax accusing the teacher of unwanted comments about her clothing. She continued, ''I went to the bathroom and I came back and I said, 'You need to stop sexualizing 14-year-old girls.'"
Alice said she was furious at what had happened and went to the school office to call her parents but the staff didn't allow her to phone her mother. The situation then get heated as Alice and the school staff had a fiery exchange of words, which resulted in having her a 10-day suspension for crossing the line with the school authorities.
However, both Alice and her mother Sarah Wagner agreed that the suspension is justified as her outbursts had crossed the line in a fit of rage and could have been solved politely.
The girls mother Sarah, acknowledged that her daughter should not have spoken to her teacher that way but understood why she was angry. ''I don't think it's okay for her to talk to teachers that way, but I understand why she was angry.''
''She was basically sexually harassed by her teacher. The teacher did apologise, she did understand what she did was wrong,'' said the teenagers mother to News4Jax.
The mom-daughter duo agreed that the teacher's comment is part of the "systemic problem" and double standards towards women when it comes to enforcing dress codes. Alice summed it up by saying, ''So just because I have a little bit of breasts, I get targeted.''