President Joe Biden had asked a donor friend to offer his niece Caroline Biden an $85,000-a-year job in the summer of 2018, according to reports. The US president had asked the business magnate to offer the job to his niece in order to help her get back on her feet after she pleaded guilty to a $110,000 credit-account theft in 2017.
Caroline had pleaded guilty to grand larceny and petty larceny, with an agreement to get two years' probation if she repays the money. This wasn't the first time that Caroline Biden had a brush with law. In 2013 the US president's niece was charged with striking a male New York City police officer. Caroline was arrested and charged of obstructing governmental administration, harassment and resisting arrest.

The information about President Biden helping his niece surfaced on records from son Hunter Biden's laptop. Jim Biden, Caroline's father, had asked Hunter to convince his daughter to take up the job offer from the Masimo Corporation.
Family Affair
According to Freebeacon, Hunter Biden took it upon himself to keep his cousin Caroline Biden out of prison and her matter was a Biden family affair. Caroline had texted Hunter on July 26, 2018 from a New York City probation office, telling him that she urgently needed a California address so her lawyer could transfer her probation there. She had earlier texted him saying "Your dad (Joe Biden) thinks you're a good influence which you are." Caroline said Hunter was the only family member she felt she could talk to because the majority of her family thinks she is nuts and untalktoable.
She complained that "our family's sick" and that she had no relationship with the nuclear family, and that she had to do everything on her own, including finding a place to live in California. Jim Biden had asked Hunter for help with the situation before Caroline reached out to her cousin. "I need help with Caroline, she is off the rails," Jim Biden told Hunter in a July 13 message. On July 27, Sara Biden wrote to Hunter saying that parole officer needs Caroline's address in California in order to transfer to CA. "Caroline also just said she needs to accept job by end of day today, and tell them when she can start."

Hunter Biden then directed Katie Dodge, his assistant, to fill out a rental application on his behalf for an apartment at a luxury complex – the Villa Carlotta. He told the property manager that he wanted to move into the unit, although the apartment was for Caroline. Moreover, Jim Biden asked Hunter to convince her to accept the job.
Masimo Corporation
Emails on Hunter Biden's laptop reveal that Caroline was a candidate for a job from Masimo Corporation, a California company owned by one of Joe Biden's largest donors. She was being offered an $85,000 base salary, a guaranteed 10 percent bonus, and stock options. But Caroline was not too keen. She said the pay was insufficient.
Caroline told her father in an email "That's below minimum wage in California after taxes. I cannot take this job. I have never made this little money in my life." She added that she couldn't take a job for less than $180,000. However, it seems that Caroline bombed the interview. She told Hunter Biden that she was nonetheless offered an internship because Joe Biden asked for a "favour". "I didn't get the job. I was given an intern job at 31 years old because of your dad asking him to give me something even though I bombed it."
Brother's Daughter
Caroline Biden is one of President Biden's seven nieces and nephews. She is the daughter of the president's brother James Brian Biden, who was also Joe Biden's presidential campaign manager.
In 2019, Caroline crashed her car into a tree in Lower Merion Township, Pennsylvannia while under the influence of drugs. Despite her run-ins with the law, she has not been jailed.